The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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Monday March 22 1937 6 Amusem*nts Buffalo Evening News Vallee Buys a Story Appear in New Capra Film The Stage Offers Something Gold Match MUSICAL PICTURE ON HIPP SCREEN BRITISH PICTURE PROVES BAFFLING All Points to Be Filmed by Comedy js Next for Errol Flynn 7 By louella parsons I After Many Obituaries the Theater Is Still Strong Enough to Lure Back Its Finest Flayers By VICTOR KNOX The state's epitaph has been written and rewritten religiously for a quarter of a ever since sctors begsn deserting it to take up with the newfangled magic lantern contraption which was attracting an astonishingly large and growing audience and making tyros in the entertainment business rich overnight With the coming of found pictures the epitaph of the theater was carved on a lovely imposing tombstone and everything was gotten ready for a touching funeral Despite every condolence epitaph A line or two: Bette Davis so run down and ill Warner Bros are "That Certain Woman" for ten day so she may have to recuperate in the desert The entire clan of Marx Brothers attending a revival of Feather" one of their earliest picture They said they wanted to see it to remember what Zeppo looks like If the Hays office doesn't object Eddie pantomine of a girl taking a bath in "New Faces" should be one of the funniest screen gags in years Jane Wyatt and Ronald Colman as they appear in Frank Capra's newest picture "Lost Horizon" film version of James Hilton's popular novel to which Hollywood has added love interest The picture opens at the Erlanger Easter Sunday evening for a two-week road show engagement 44 Copyright 1937 by Universal Bervica LOS ANGELES Mirch If you have heard the I symphonic-recitation Points over your radio boras enthused as I am to learn that nobody else but Rudy Vallee ha bought the right to this dramatic 'story-rtold-to-music from the composers Rodgers and Hart And what is more interesting going to make it into a movie Rudy you remember owe Warner Bros a picture this Fall and I'm wondering if this is the story he has in mind? Certainly nothing could be more original than thi saga of the thoughts running through the mind of a young conductor as he watches his passengers board the train for Chicago Kansas and all points Sounds like another idea in a railroad station set against a fine musical score This troubled old world has so much grief that no wonder comedy at the moment is king why is being postponed In favor of "The Perfect Specimen" for Errol Flynn Errol is due' back in April and his very first Job at studio will be thjs gay bit of nonsense authored by Samuel Hopkins Adams Adams who wrote the never-to-be-forgotten "It Happened One Night" has given "Perfect Specimen" the game human touches and any number of unique comedy situation Michael Curtiz will direct Chatter in Hollywood: Garbo who has become so thin despite any word to the contrary is again home with a bad cold Clarence Brown is shooting around her pending her return to health Thousands have been spent on in an effort to achieve authenticity in the settings Cameramen traveled to Poland to photograph inkles tein the castle where Napoleon met the lovely Polish countess Over 150 shots were taken showing every nook and cranny of the great castle hi Dally WEBR at 1:30 an tor's Tyrrial Bmsdcsst While en Hh Essay Awards As Evidence Acclaimed of Patriotism Winners in Americanism Contest Represent Virtually All Parts of City and County Keeler Alexander in Willing and WILLING AND A A Warner picture directed by Ray Alright screen play by -Jsrry Wald Big Hersig and Warren Duff story by Richard Macaulay music and lyrics by Johnny Mercer snd Richard Whiting photographed by Sol Polite jane Ruby Keeler Barry OranvIUe Ross Alssander Pinky Blair Lee Dixon Van Courtland Alton Jenkins Clara Heineaan Louise Pa sends Angle Carol Hughes Jane Clarke Win! Bhsw Yip Nolsn Teddy Hart Truman Hardy Hugh O'Connell Edward McNeil Addison Richards Moving men Shaw Lee Sir Samuel Buffington Clive Dot Jane Wyman Mrs Beadle on May Bolsy Brockman Charles Halton Angelo Adrian Rosier Mrs Buffington Lillian Kemble Cooper Walter Barnett Parker A 20th Century-Fox picture written and directed by Norman Paster) story by Philip Wylie photographed by Sidney Wagner Matthew Jericho Edward Bromberg Kay Farnham Betty Furness Jim Freston John Howard Payne Bam a Victor KiXian Malcolm Berkhardt Billy Burrud Herbert WlUett' Gavin Muir Grace Hamilton Gloria Roy Farnham Andrew Tombee Count Andre Lukscha Ivan Lebedeff Dr Galt John Eldrcdgc Nf Thylor Julius Tsnncn Mr Berkhardt Paul McVey Mre Bernhardt Lelah Taylor Mias Willoughby Lydia Knott Although you'd never know it from the advertisem*nts and the marquee billing the late Ross Alexander is No 1 man at the Hippodrome theater this week He has the principal role opposite Ruby Keeler in Willing and musical which the Brothers Warner concocted On the whole this ought to be a fairly popular piece The laughs at the performance your correspondent attended were fast and originated near the midriffs It must be stated however that those who do "hot find the material side-splitting will doubtless consider it rather tedious as this picture-looker did This is another of thoe back-stage musicals with the mistaken-identity gag Alexander who ghowr up to excellent advantage in one of the most important parts is the producer and also leading man of the show-within-the-show His partner a dancer Is Lee Dixon who is Ruby's nominal co-star in "Ready Willing and Able' an arrangement which must have been worked out by the magnates for some obscure reason after Mr Alexander's untimely death as Dixon is not particularly important to the affair Ruby who doesn't become the star of the show-within-the-show in the last reel which is a new departure in the making of screen musicals-passes herself off as a famous British musical comedy star and signs a contract to appear in show But not really her fault Allen Jenkins the smart alec agent made an error As Ross got the money to produce his piece on the strength of having signed the girl Ruby pretends to be he's in a big pickle when the truth outs But Ruby fixes it so the real star Win! Shaw takes over Hugh O'Connell Louise Fazenda Jenkins Carol Hughes and Teddy Hart give excellent comedy support throughout The second feature is a murder mystery with an abandoned gold mine The action takes place in Death Valley and the detective is Edward Bromberg a bumbling deputy sheriff who is a joke to most of the innocent bystanders but manages to ferret out the culprit's secret He has the ability to stoop down and pick tip a clue almost anywhere and the aid of a youngster Billy Burrud who seems to be an ace cameraman The plot is nothing to get excited about but Bromberg's performance is a bright contribution to the evening's entertainment 1 1 11 Jl rv TAV KP Y0UI16 AMEGIIE Are Not Gods" Shown at Great Lakes 'MEN ARB MOT flODS" A London nimi picture written and dlroelcd by Welter Releeb photographed by Charles Bashar Ana Williams Miriam Hopkina Barbara Ocrtrptfo Lawrence Edmund Davcy Eebaatian Shaw Tommy Rea Harrison Akeates A Mattbewa Producer Val Gielgud Katherine Laura Smithson Stanley Laurence Grossmith Painter Eybil Grove Mrs Williams Winifred Willard Oallary attendant Wallt Patch Porter James Harcourt Plano player Roiamund Gieenwood Cashier Moel Howlett Kitty Paddy Morgan Iago Nicholas NadeJIn Caaaio Michael Hogarth A Reliance picture released by United Artleu directed by Benjamin Btolcff serein play by Leen Oordon Joseph Moncure March and Harry Conn music and lyrlca by Richard Whiting and Sidney Clare photographed by Ted Tetslaff Jimmy Brett Raymond Bally Marsh Nancy Carroll Chad Denby Jack Benny Den Campbell Sydney Howard SCitai Mltal Green Shorty Sid Sllvera Lee Lothar Sidney Blackmer Herbert Rosson Ralph Morgan Anya Roseau Shirley Grey Jack Sumatra Sam Hardy Patey Patsy Kelly Joe Ssundera William Boyd Inspector McKinney Robert Alliott Wank Prank Parker Ned Marsh Carlyle Moore Jeon Jean Sargent By ROLLIN PALMER No matter how cordial their international relations may become with their cousins across the sea jhe Americans probably always will be more or less baffled by English jokes and movies-? To say that this English production Are Not part of the Great Lakes double-decker for the week is baffling is putting it mildly After sitting through it those honest Americans who like to go to picture shows without bothering to investigate what's on the program are likely to depart with much the same vogue feelings of resentment that their touring compatriots feel upon arising from an English breakfast that offers finan haddie instead of fruit and tea instead of coffee Miriam Hopkins plays the part of a stenographer who falls into chairs or down flights of steps with a great display of knobby knees tricks of adolescent playfulness that have been outmoded for one reason or another in the Hollywood pictures for many a day Miriam falls in love with Sebastian Shaw who has the role of an actor who makes fame and fortune for himself in Inspired by her gentle passion he decides upon the great idea of actually killing his who is so unfortunate as to play the Desdemona to his Othello in their big scene on the stage When the big scene comes Miriam who is in the gallery senses his purpose and screams a warning Desdemona jumps out of bed and starts scramming around the stage and Othello in his nightie comes after her like Harpo Marx after a blonde spouting Shakespeare gnashing his teeth and biting the scenery By her agility Desdemona escapes but the episode provides a climax that is hysterical and hammy to the point of ridiculousness for a serious film or so it seems to eyes accustomed to even the worst of the Hollywood products The title is a quotation from Even more appropriately another line from Shakespeare might have been used "Much Ado About Nothing" "Transatlantic is a revival of comedy first shown locally a couple of years ago Jack Benny is a radio entertainer aboard a ship that has among its company Gene Raymond as an international slicker and Sid Silvers as a steward They proceed to outwit in various ways another group of crooks headed by Sidney Blackmer In contrast with the English picture it seems a veritable masterpiece of entertainment It also proves a little aurprising in showing how many changes can take place within the abort apace of two years A couple of its actors have gone on to new heights a couple are almost completely in eclipse one is dead At least one phase of its technique seems quite old-fashioned now that business of having the chorus girls form changing geometric plans as they are photographed from above 5w A Jf 0 IYoOIt HI KI? Never Before a Picture That Has Caused ie Mach Mecumjenf OPKINS Gertruds Lsurisn In "MEN ARE NOT GODS" Tha Snapshots of Hollywood collected at random: Jack Kirkland playwright back In circulation again lunching at a spot with Betty pnntiM a gorgeous blonde Lyle Talbot ordering 12 suits in one fell swoop for his trousseau Everett Crosby who has managed Bing exclusively in the past adding Genevieve Tobin to his clientele Bing'e life story by his two other brother Ted and Larry is now in book form Gradwell Sears Warner vice president end head of gales looking at pictures from dawn to dusk Tibbett Taken III WASHINGTON March 22 A severe attack of larjinftQ caused postponement of Lawrence Tfiftet i pong recital in Constitution hall here Sunday afternoon Chesterfield CLEANERS We Satisfy" We Em play An Union Kelp aud Pay 11 I Wages! Mm's Garments 59c Ladiis1 Garmtnts 69c rHONE GRANT 2737 flnnmFH WIEN at 11 Listen to Harry Senth American Diamond Buying Trip PtlHT IIS9 i 4 i i A I avenue Gheektowaga eighth grade Cheek-towaga District 10 Agnes Jeanne Allanson 13 Eden eighth grade Eden high school Mary Leone 14 of 123 South Mala street Angola eighth grade Angola elementary school Dorothy Hsiiman 14 General Delivery Tonawanda eighth grade Warren Herding school Kenmore Erie County Public Elementary Bays Carl Hauahalter 13 Hamburg eighth grade Water Valley District 2 William Yetman 15 of 47 Grafton avenue Blas-dell eighth grade Blasdell high school: Carl Morgan 13 Lackawanna eighth grade Theodore Roosevelt school Lackawanna Donald Dobs SI of 10O Midland avenue Kenmore eizth grade Lincoln elementary school Remove Baffale Public Girls Florence Everett 14 of 96 Burlington avenue sophom*ore Bennett high school Lucille Beardsley 17 of 916 Potter road senior Technical high school Mary Riley 14 of 164 Burgard place aephom*ore East high school Myrtle Sauerweln 14 of 1101 Tonawanda street Junior Riverside high school Public Beys Bernard Ballarlo 1 of S3 Jackson street senior Hutchinson-Central hlsh school Robert Frost 14' of 528 Richmond avenue freshman Lafayette high school: Lawrence Murdock 16 of 35 Whitehall street senior South Park high school Irwin Schuttner 17 of 754 Seneca street sophom*ore high school Erie County Publis High Girls Grace Schiedel 17 Lake View senior Lackawanna high school Jesnetta Hart 13 Madison street Akron Junior Akron high school Anna Takas 15 of 52 Glen-wood avenue Lackawanna freshman Lincoln Annex high Zscka wanna Dorothy Klels IS Mile Strip road Lackawanna sophom*ore Blasdell high school Erie County Public Beys Robert Clark 17 of 67 Madison avenue Lackawanna Junior Lackawanna high school Bryant Cramer IS of 15 Blooming dale avenue Akron Junior Akron high school John Daggett 17 of 212 Maple avenue Hamburg senior Hamburg high school Ralph Heist 17 Alden Junior Alden high school Parochial High Girls Elizabeth McGuire 17' Lackawanna senior Our Lady of Victory academy Lackawanna: Victoria 8ehalts 17 of 55 Broadway Lancaster senior Bt Mary's high school Lancaster Estelle Achilla 1 of 51 Pine Ridge terrace senior St Nicholas high school Irene Siepieraka 15 William and Kennedy streets freshman Immaculate Heart of Mary school Parochial Boys Anthony De Angelo 19 of 195 Clinton street sophom*ore Bt business school John Deck 15 of 452 East street senior Canlsius high school George Mullaney 1 of 20 Colonial avenue Lancaster Junior St hlsh school Lancaster Thsodors Fudlewski 15 William snd Kennedy streets sophom*ore Immaculate Heart of Mary school Cities in Mesopotamia had kings for rulers as early as 3000 SAY SAY L0VEl P-AflfJL POWER servant Order Reserved Sects Now and obituary however the legit mate stage has managed to stay alive through lean years and fit years often weakened by loss of personnel and temporary' financial difficulties but always able to revive and go on The grosses of the current Broad way season indicate that it has rat lied amazingly from its most recent depression and the heartrending number of outstanding legitimate performances delivered by those who have retraced their steps from the land of gold sunshine and cellu-loid makes it evident that the stage has not lost its grip on its own Burgess Meredith at present playing the leading role in "High Top" on Broadway is one of those who went to Hollywood and returned to the theater He has of course a contract to make further film dramas at the rate of one a year but he breathes recurrent sighs of relief that he can spend the rest of his time as a legitimate actor "I need the stage and I don't like picture work" he has explained "I don't believe any actor honestly does "There's such an appalling lack of personal satisfaction to it "You can't help but admire and respret the efficiency and what you might call the 'perfectionalism' of the people who make pictures they'll do anything on earth to make a perfect but every-tffing has to be done under too much pressure "An actor can't take the time to work out things when it costs $5000 a minute and when there are 300 persons waiting on a set a quarter of a mile square with a studio rain falling on it and a real river flowing through it" he went on "You stop and say: 'I don't like the way I read that line "Yet when it all comes out it is only the line which matters "You can't grow and develop under conditions like that Ycu have to come back to the theater to grow and the better you become back here the better you'll be iut there But it doesn't work the other way around" Dudley Digges snapped at the chance to desert for the nonce his remunerative screen career in order to appear in the flesh in Masque of Kings" And Margo skipped away from the cameras for a part in the same play Margaret SuJlavan turned down valuable contracts to star in "Stage Door" which is off the boards for a few months after a brilliant run She is row the apple of various producers' eyes Henry Hull and Pauline Frederick now on Broadway came back from the cinema capital John Hal-liday of Tovarich" wouldn't let Hollywood's demands for his services keep him from accepting that bright stage chance Walter Huston returned to the stage after achieving important success in pictures rejoined the movie contingent as a star and shuttled again to the theater Although at the moment he peeved at stage audiences for not liking his he probably be able to stay away from the footlights long Katherine Locke making a prodigious reputation for herself in Arthur comedy "Having 'Wonderful another ex-Hollywoodite Sir Cedric Hardwick makes pictures sparingly although he could work before the cameras teadily at a very handsome stipend Walter Abel with Katharine Cornell in "The Wingless Victory" and Kent Smith with her in "Candida" re two others who feel they want to give only part of their time to the screen Katharine Hepburn too jumped at the opportunity to sandwich a stage "Jane in between her picture commitments Sam Jaffe Betty Lawford and Leslie Howard are others who can take the screen or leave it and more often than not choose to leave it Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne made one successful picture and never returned And then of course there's Helen Hsyes who turned down offers of $3500 a week or $80000 a picture in order to give ail of her time and talent to the theater The faithful audience need not fear its demise as long as its finest players come back to it from the gold coast like homing pigeons After confidently expecting for SS years to engulf the stage completely the screen entrepreneurs have discovered the truth of one of their own titles: "You Can't Buy Everything" Broadway At the last tabulation 13 non-musical plays on Broadway were grossing between $10000 and $27000 apiece on the week led by "The Eternal Road" with "The ISMA1UA TEMPLE SHRINK PRESENT BOB MORTON'S (sDfcsIi Sensational AerUllsta Acrobats Clows Dogs Panics Bests HiShSrhael Beal Cowboy Bead SPECIAL EXTRA lumko Wsrld'i Largest siphon from Blppodrems Broadway Auditorium ALL WUK-MABCM It THRU APRIL Matinee MS Evening 1:11 Gsnsral I Ai-mimien die Received seats Shrine RidSam Hotel sutler or Jtae Auditertash Virtually every section of Buffalo and Erie county was represented among the prize-winners of the eighth annual Americanism essay contest and a- similar condition holds true in the list of honorable mentions awarded by the Buffalo Evening News and the Erie County American Legion sponsors of the competition Raymond Ast Legion county commander regards this as proof that the girls and boys attending schools in the county have keen appreciation of the meaning and practice of Americanism "The widespread distribution of grand prizes and honorable men tions is significant" said Mr Ast "particularly because it was impossible for any of the judges either in the preliminary or final elimination to know from what area the essay contestant came 200 Schools Take Part Through the careful system of nohu-de-plume all the judges are ascertain the contest di-not until elimination has been completed that the identity of the contestants is revealed" More than 200 school took part in this contest Each school was permitted to submit its best essay and its best essay Nearly 400 essays were examined during the preliminary judging This number was reduced to 60 for the final judges Because of the high quality of the manuscripts surviving the early elimination the 48 contestants who did not win trips received honorable mention The list of these is: Boffato Fubllc Girls Shirley Barnes 12 of S3 Ed re Park avenue eighth grade School 64 Frances Boceone 13 of 246 Vermont street eighth grade School 49: Jane Roeech 12 of 450 Olympic avenue eighth grade School 78 Stella Nabach 14 of 66 Pulaski street With grade School 69 Baffale Pablie Elementary Bays Edvard A Wegner 13 ot 640 Mlnne-clghth grade School SO ota avenue eighth grade School Donald Danlcleon 13 of 94 llin-hards street eighth grade School 76 John Benevento 16 of 411 Seventh street eighth grade School 1 Thomas AronM 13 of 197 Norwood avenue eighth grade School 16 Parochial Girl Mary Jo Roberts 13 of 2738 Main street eighth grade St school: Patricia Lennon 12 of 1694 South Park avenue Lackawanna seventh grade St Martin's school Elisabeth Maher 12 of 144 Hertel avenue eighth grade St John tha Baptist's school Parochial Elementary Bays Andrew Phelps 11 of 608 East Perry street eighth grads St Francis da Sales' school Prancli Haaaett -13 of 46 Hartman place eighth crade St John the Baptist's school Joseph Hopf 14 of 4271 Clinton street eighth grade- Fourteen Holy school John Bodkin 12 of MS2 South PsTk avenue eighth grade Our Lady of Victory school Lackawanna Erie Csasty Pablie Eleswatary Glrli Mildred Dankowski 16 of 134 ho*rner Grandest Show Ever Seal Present Twice Dgiy Only Katharine Hepburn will be on the Hippodrome screen Saturday "Quality Street" as runner-up- Of the musical pieces there were four topping the $13000 mark "The Show la On" leading at $31000 Spotlights "War Warner film was retitled "Ah and now la known as "Ah Ah well Remembering what a sock hit "42d 'Street" was Walter Wanger is prospecting for gold further up town: he has a musical under was called "52d Set the alarm for the Dyckman street ferry Margaret Sullavan's contract with Sam Harris calls for IS weeks on the road with "Stage Door" next season after her child is born Jeanne Madden vows not to marry until she has made a success in grand opera Katharine Hepburn wean a gown in "Quality Street" embellished with 100 ostrich plumes Program Closes Season Emily Llnner and Squire Haskln Give Excellent Performance By EDWARD DURNEY The Chromatic club brought its afternoon series to a close Saturday in the Twentieth Century club with a worthy program which was presented by Emily Llnner contralto and Squire Haskip pianist In the interpretation of two song groups Miss Linner interested her listeners as she does always by her intelligent musicianly style and vocal skill Two choice songs of Mahler and three Scandinavian compositions making up her first group were enhanced in finished convincing delivery while her second group number in English containing a Hebrides Folk song and representing Purcell Peter War-lock (pen name) and Roger Quitter further exemplified admirable singing art Miss Linner held the rapt attention of her listeners and her performance elicited well-deserved applause Robert Noehren was the singer's accompanist Mr Haskin'a offerings presenting him a task of large proportions comprised the Cesar Franck Prelude Aria and Finale and the Ravel suite "Tombeau de The pianist's admirable equipment was to be recognized in the substance and facility of his technique and his musicianly approach aa interpreter The Franck work was played with unfailing clarity with fine proportion- and effective dynamic grading and with breadth of style The four numbers of the Ravel composition found him on entirely different ground and here he gave a performance of brilliance and happy contrast The closing Toccata was especially effective and the pianist was applauded enthusiastically shining deeds THE SHOW GOES ON BREA'S Lovo to Now 11:12 9:37 7:47 and 10:13 overture 1:53 4:3 7:05 snd 9:30 OREAT Men Art Not Gods 13:50 4 7:15 snd 10:90 Trsns-atlsntie Merry-Go-Round 11:10 A -1C 9:35 3:33 end 3:50 LA PAYETTE Everything to Thunder 10:13 A 13:4 3:1 5:33 snd 10:53 Corns Closer Polks (1:32 A 2:05 4:3 7:11 snd 0:44 SHEA'S Reedy Willing end Able 12:35 3:45 7 snd 10:15 Pair Warning 11:15 A 3:3 5:43 and 5:50 SHEA'S CENTURY Crick-up 11:50 A 3:3 5:1 7:50 and 10:23 Clarence 10:40 A M- 1:15 3:5 8:35 snd 0:18 IKFAYlfiTiE NOW DEfinETT EVEffnmx DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY HIT NO 2 "COME CLOSER FOLKS" la "DEVIL'S PLATO BOUND-sod II BISTBESS wMh IAMBS BONN (33QCIB fWTlflflfi) In the Gay SpztagttaM Ramanre IS NEWS" Fetchlt BEGINNING SUNDAY MARCH 28 AT S-30 ERLANGER WAsMngton 0195 Doile Only Ztel Ere efflee 3 I 7 and oar ORCHESTRA with soloists PEOPLE community Si UUkar MOUSE Suck rt FRIDAY! A GALA EASTER WIIK JOY SNOW! BING CROSBY BOB BURNS MARTHA RAYE SHIRLEY ROSS in WAIKIKI WEDDING HIRRQDRPME iffSromirswm TOGETHER AGAIN! The Itaslue Sweethearts You hi "Rom Marie" and Marietta" JuMlit Nelson Eddy iTJSS READY WIIUNG Ebl'eI Twice Bex Open to ALLENDALE ALLEM near ELMWOOD Edward Arnold Frances Farmer AND GET IT" Plus: Comedy Nears TRIANGLE and SOUTH PARK Mwna Loy Luis Reiner William Powell Greet Ziegfeld" Shorts 2 Nite Shears at 6 and 9 Doors Open et CAPITOL CENTRAL PARK is 75 Fredric March Olivia DeHevillend "ANTHONY ADVERSE" George Bn Were OF THE MOUNTED" I ELLEN TERRY 367 GRANT ST fIy Ky Charlie Chase "KELLY THF SECOND" Young Florence Rice Jew Cslleie "Sworn Enemy" Comedy Cartoon! EMBASSY pErrt' LETTERS OF A STAR- ROAD opposite Lbcudmnib Htak ScfcmmB Mertww Diet rich Charies Boyer of Allah" Plus Spenky MacFarland Phtl-Kp Holmes "General Spanky" Shorts FRANKLIN GRANADA JIT MAIN Myma Ley William Powell "AFTER THE THIN MAN" Wheeler and Wool say BOYS LITTLE THEATER'S PAUL ho*rBIGER UNO KUSS VERONIKA" (Greetings and Salutations Veronihs1 NEW ARIEL HIGH at MICHIGAN Jack Benny Bums AIIen Martha Raya "College Hohdey Jane Withers Helen Wood Can Tins Be Dixie" Serial Cartoon Hit No 21 MYSTERIOUS Strikes at Society Winter Resort! sow BROMBERG 9 I BETTY FURNESS a IVAN lJ Fnnchat TONE Street" PLAZA WILLIAM at MONROE Bwn- Brady Smart Girls" Barton Mac Lane "Bengal "Phantom Buto Tigm Chao "Phantom Rider" REGENT UTICA Adults 20s AWAV "HIDE- AUAVGRi" Stuart Erwin Patsy Kelly Pigskin Parade" Cemedv cLom RIDGE 15c anytime nf kdy to 13 "Darkest Africa? RIVERSIDE 124 1tA7tahda Tvlor -CAMILLE-GMdys Swarthout "CHAMPAGNE WA1 TT THEATERS-BR0ADWAY IS Martha Raya Shirley Rom GIRL" Also "WHITE HUNTER GENESEE isoo GENESEE at Dost Also "MYSTERIOUS CROSSING JEFFERSON Jefferson et fory Martha Ray Shirley "HIDEAWAY GIRL" Also "WILD BRIAN KENT" VARSITY DaRay north at Ken- ISs it remoucin four hit Wee Hundreds 1 heavenly honeys Aral awing 1937-s tmicsl -hill WOW! WIAT LAUGH HIT BUSED 6 A IJ Vd YES SIR THE WHOLE 30A3II rUVti Thrills in Its in Sir Ja HEPBURN ROSCOE KARNS ELKANOBK WHITNEY Kugeue PsUette AMATEUR SHOW GALA EASTER WEEK CELEBRATION STARTS THURSDAY! "PENROD and "RACING LADY' EaciAmniiMwooDi CVINING NEWS Occupation no "LLOYDS OF LONDON" with Tyrone I SHEA'S BUFFALO Ago Entertainment jmeitoe to the Op emntoe a fJl auto wUlSe eetifled Boffato Breidas Hews -DOWN THI STRETCH" with Patrioto I GT NN A KS ROOSF ITTR St CART at BR JEAN Mickey Re I PHMWaNL1 Mm CsM I ionra tau all KCKTKVtfcUF I tnA Wa ef Mi In the Tonswsndss Joaa Crawford Wg PeweG Rebt Montgomery in "Last ''Smart Monde" Barth Phik ARTHUR "THI PLAINSMAN" (xx it Anytime Dionng Quints Jean Henholt "REUNION" Atop "WHITE HUNTER" VICTORIA mu-wn SHIRLEY TEMPLE "STOWAWAY" Mh ARIZONA MAHONEY" aft MHUhS? 1 HI IwniGS UOGNBBImmB tig 11 or port of him or 1 sh nMUuSnstadeEieTk i SSS SSand gig Rand Blank to dstotenr Shew Dir 1 vw a 4 i-CB BeT'slUsi 3021 Delaware Ave In "Hideaway Gin- jack molt Evelyn Vena Me Is "NORTH Off NOME" ve MARTHA RAYL Girl" JACK HOLT V'-' rr--i--T-v Saw.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.