Unlock Exciting Rewards with FGO New Year Panel Mission (2024)

Are you ready for a brand new adventure in the world of Fate/Grand Order? Well, get your summoning tickets ready because the FGO New Year Panel Mission is here to kick off the year with a bang! This exciting event promises to bring tons of fun and rewards for all the dedicated masters out there. But wait, there's more! In true FGO fashion, this event comes with a twist that will surely keep you on your toes. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on an epic quest like no other.

Now, before we dive into the details of the FGO New Year Panel Mission, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer brilliance of the game developers. I mean, who would have thought of incorporating a panel game show into a mobile RPG? It's like they took elements from Jeopardy and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and sprinkled it with a generous dose of anime magic. Talk about thinking outside the box!

So, how exactly does this panel mission work, you ask? Well, fear not, dear master, for I am here to guide you through this exciting journey. The panel mission consists of several rounds, each featuring a different category. From Servant trivia to battle strategy, you'll need to prove your knowledge and wit to emerge victorious. And let me tell you, the questions are no walk in the park. They're as challenging as trying to pronounce Ritsuka Fujimaru correctly on the first try.

But don't worry if you're not a walking encyclopedia of Fate lore. The FGO New Year Panel Mission is designed to be a fun and inclusive experience for everyone. Even if you can't tell the difference between Artoria Pendragon and Jeanne d'Arc, you can still participate and enjoy the thrill of the game. Plus, who knows, you might even learn a thing or two along the way.

Now, let's talk about the rewards because let's face it, that's what we're all here for, right? The FGO New Year Panel Mission offers a plethora of goodies that will make any master's heart skip a beat. From summoning tickets to Saint Quartz, there's plenty to go around. Oh, and did I mention the limited-edition Craft Essences and Servants? Yes, you heard that right. You'll have the chance to add some exclusive characters to your roster, making your friends green with envy.

But wait, there's more! As if the regular rewards weren't enough, the FGO New Year Panel Mission also introduces a special bonus round. And let me tell you, this is where the real fun begins. In this bonus round, you'll have the opportunity to challenge the game developers themselves in a battle of wits. Can you outsmart the masterminds behind the game? Well, there's only one way to find out!

So, get ready to test your Fate/Grand Order knowledge, earn amazing rewards, and have a blast with the FGO New Year Panel Mission. It's time to show off your skills and prove that you're the ultimate master. Good luck, and may the gacha gods be ever in your favor!


Welcome, fellow Masters of Chaldea! The New Year has arrived, and so has a brand-new panel mission in the hit mobile game, Fate/Grand Order (FGO). Prepare yourselves for a hilarious and thrilling adventure as we delve into the wild world of FGO's New Year Panel Mission. Get ready to laugh, groan, and maybe even shed a tear as we navigate through this amusing event.

The Mischievous Servant

Our story begins with the mischievous servant, Mash Kyrielight, who has a surprise in store for us. She has decided to bring some excitement to our lives by creating a fun panel mission for the New Year. Little did we know what we were about to get ourselves into...

Panel 1: Find the Lost Socks

In this first panel, Mash challenges us to find her lost socks that have mysteriously disappeared. We must scour through different quests, battling enemies and collecting loot, all in search of those elusive socks. Who knew that a pair of missing socks could cause so much chaos in Chaldea?

Panel 2: Cooking Catastrophe

Next up, we encounter the ever-hungry servants attempting to cook a New Year feast. However, their culinary skills leave much to be desired. From burning dishes to creating peculiar concoctions, chaos ensues in the kitchen. It's a comedic disaster that will leave you both cringing and laughing at the same time.

Panel 3: Fashion Fiasco

As if the cooking catastrophe wasn't enough, now we have to deal with a fashion fiasco. The servants decide to hold a fashion show, but their sense of style is... questionable, to say the least. Prepare yourself for some truly outrageous outfits and a parade of fashion disasters. Who knew that Gudao/Gudako would make such a fabulous runway model?

Panel 4: Dance-Off Drama

The madness continues as we enter the dance-off drama. The servants challenge us to a dance competition, but it's clear that not everyone has rhythm. Watch as your favorite heroes attempt to bust a move, with varying degrees of success. It's a hilarious spectacle that will have you cheering for your team, even if their dance skills are less than stellar.

Panel 5: The Great Chaldea Race

Finally, we reach the epic conclusion of the panel mission – The Great Chaldea Race. Strap on your seatbelts and get ready for a wild ride as the servants compete in a high-speed race through various locations. From crashing into walls to getting lost in mazes, this race is filled with unexpected twists and turns. Will your team emerge victorious, or will they crash and burn?


And there you have it, fellow Masters – the New Year Panel Mission in all its hilarity and chaos. FGO never fails to entertain, and this event is no exception. So gather your best servants, prepare for the unexpected, and enjoy the wild ride that awaits you. Happy New Year, and may the gacha gods bless you with the SSR servant of your dreams!

A Quest for the Ultimate Fortune Cookie

Greetings, fellow Masters! Welcome to the FGO New Year Panel Mission, where we embark on an epic adventure filled with laughter, tears, and of course, gacha-induced frustration. Prepare your Saint Quartz and buckle up, because this is going to be one wild ride!

Summoning Shenanigans: The War of Waiting

As we enter the realm of FGO, we find ourselves facing the first challenge: summoning the elusive servants we desire. Ah, the thrill of the gacha! It's like a game of chance where your hopes and dreams are crushed with every roll. But fear not, brave panelists, for Lady Luck may grace us with her presence if we offer her enough sacrifices of time, money, and sanity.

Farm like a 'pharaoh' in the 'land of the rising sun'

The next hurdle on our journey is farming, where we channel our inner pharaohs and grind like there's no tomorrow. In the land of the rising sun, our quest for materials and experience points knows no bounds. Strengthen your servants, my friends, for we shall conquer this never-ending cycle of battles and reap the rewards of our hard work.

Collecting Dragons and Mounts – A Panelist's Predicament

Dragons and mounts, oh my! In FGO, we not only collect powerful servants but also mythical creatures that would put even Daenerys Targaryen to shame. But beware, dear panelists, for this task is not without its challenges. You must navigate through quests and events, all while praying that the RNG gods smile upon you and grant you the rarest of beasts.

Singularity Silliness: Meeting Your Match

Once you've assembled your dream team of servants and creatures, it's time to tackle the singularity quests. These epic adventures will take you to different eras and dimensions, where you'll encounter historical figures and mythical beings alike. But don't let their serious demeanor fool you – expect plenty of silliness and unexpected twists along the way.

A Tale of Two Currencies: QP and Luck, the Yin and Yang of FGO

Ah, QP and luck, the eternal struggle of every FGO panelist. QP, or Quartz Points, is the currency we use to summon and enhance our servants. But luck, oh luck, it's the fickle mistress that determines our fate. Will you get the servant you desire with a single roll, or will you be doomed to an endless cycle of disappointment? Only time and many, many rolls will tell.

Boss Battles: When Even Mash Can't Save You

As we delve deeper into the world of FGO, we come face to face with fearsome boss battles that will push our strategies and servants to the limit. Even Mash, our trusty kouhai, may not be able to save us from the wrath of these formidable foes. It's a battle of wits, skill, and sheer luck as we fight for victory, praying that our NP gauge fills just in time to unleash a devastating attack.

From Whodunit to Who Is It: Unlocking the Mystery Behind FGO Panels

What started as a simple whodunit has transformed into a mind-boggling mystery. FGO panels are filled with intricate storylines, complex character relationships, and surprising plot twists. As panelists, it's our job to unravel these mysteries, piece together the clues, and uncover the truth behind the enigmatic world of FGO. It's like being in a never-ending game of Clue, but with more waifus and husbandos.

Misadventures of an FGO Panelist: Braving the Queue

Ah, the queue – the bane of every FGO panelist's existence. Waiting in line for hours, hoping to secure a coveted spot in a panel or event is like navigating a treacherous labyrinth. Will you make it in time to witness the latest announcements and exclusive content? Or will you be left outside, lost and alone, forced to rely on Twitter updates and second-hand information? The struggle is real, my friends.

Luck of the Gacha: When Desire Sensor Strikes Again

And finally, we come to the cruelest twist of fate in the world of FGO – the dreaded Desire Sensor. It's that unexplainable phenomenon where the game seems to know exactly what you want and denies it to you at every turn. You desire that one servant? Well, tough luck! The Desire Sensor has other plans for you, my friend. It's a love-hate relationship that keeps us coming back for more, masoch*sts that we are.

So there you have it, dear Masters. The FGO New Year Panel Mission is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between. From summoning shenanigans to battling fearsome foes, this adventure will test your patience, luck, and sanity. But fear not, for in the end, it's all about the joy of experiencing this incredible game and sharing our misadventures with fellow panelists. So grab your Saint Quartz and embark on this unforgettable journey – may the gacha gods be ever in your favor!

FGO New Year Panel Mission: A Hilarious Adventure


It was a cold winter morning in Chaldea, and the Servants were eagerly awaiting the start of the annual FGO New Year Panel Mission. This mission was known for its unique challenges and hilarious outcomes, and everyone was excited to participate.

Panel Mission Details:

  • Location: Chaldea Main Hall
  • Date: January 1st
  • Objective: Complete various tasks assigned by the panelists

The Panelists

The panelists for this year's mission were none other than Mash, Merlin, and the mischievous duo of Ishtar and Gilgamesh. It was bound to be an entertaining event with this lively bunch leading the way.

Panelist Profiles:

  1. Mash: The diligent and responsible kouhai, always ready to lend a helping hand.
  2. Merlin: The witty and charismatic Caster, known for his playful nature.
  3. Ishtar: The proud and powerful Archer, with a mischievous streak that often gets her into trouble.
  4. Gilgamesh: The arrogant and extravagant Archer, who loves to show off his treasures.

The Hilarious Tasks

As the participants gathered in the Chaldea Main Hall, the panelists wasted no time in revealing the first task. It was none other than a karaoke contest, where each Servant had to sing a popular New Year's song.

One by one, the Servants took turns showcasing their singing skills. Mash sang a heartfelt ballad, Merlin belted out a catchy pop tune, Ishtar tried her best to hit the high notes (with limited success), and Gilgamesh surprised everyone with his surprisingly good voice.

The second task involved a game of charades, where the panelists acted out famous scenes from various anime series. However, Ishtar couldn't resist adding her own flair to the performances, often exaggerating her gestures and causing the participants to burst into laughter.

Key Moments:

  • Mash's emotional rendition of Auld Lang Syne brought tears to everyone's eyes.
  • Merlin's energetic dance moves during the karaoke session had everyone grooving along.
  • Ishtar's over-the-top interpretation of a magical girl transformation sequence had the entire room in stitches.
  • Gilgamesh's flawless portrayal of a classic samurai duel left everyone awe-struck.

The Grand Finale

After several hilarious tasks and memorable moments, the panelists announced the final challenge - a costume contest. Each Servant had to dress up as a famous historical figure and present a short skit about their life.

The participants went all out with their costumes, and the skits ranged from dramatic to downright silly. From Marie Antoinette's extravagant fashion show to Nikola Tesla's electrifying performance, the audience was thoroughly entertained.

Table Information:

Servant Historical Figure Skit Theme
Mash Joan of Arc The Trial of Jeanne d'Arc
Merlin King Arthur The Quest for the Holy Grail
Ishtar Cleopatra Ruling over Egypt in Style
Gilgamesh Alexander the Great Conquering the World in Gold


The FGO New Year Panel Mission turned out to be a hilarious and memorable event for everyone involved. The panelists' witty banter, the Servants' enthusiastic participation, and the ridiculous challenges made it an experience to remember.

As the day came to an end, the participants left the Chaldea Main Hall with smiles on their faces and memories that would last a lifetime. They couldn't wait for the next year's panel mission, knowing that it would bring even more laughter and camaraderie.

Closing Message: FGO New Year Panel Mission

Well, dear visitors, it seems we have reached the end of our epic journey through the FGO New Year Panel Mission. I hope you've strapped on your seatbelts and enjoyed this wild ride filled with laughter, tears, and a whole lot of panel missions. As we bid adieu to this thrilling adventure, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible moments we've shared together.

From the very beginning, when we embarked on this mission with our favorite Fate/Grand Order characters, we knew we were in for a treat. The panel missions had us on our toes, testing our knowledge of the game and challenging our wits. But fear not, for we conquered each mission with sheer determination and maybe a little bit of luck.

Throughout this blog, we've laughed at the hilarious banter between the FGO characters. We've witnessed their quirky personalities shine through as they tackled absurd tasks, leaving us in stitches. Who knew that watching servants attempt to cook or decipher complicated riddles could be so entertaining?

But it wasn't all fun and games. There were moments of genuine emotion that tugged at our heartstrings. We connected with the characters on a deeper level, learning more about their hopes, dreams, and fears. We rooted for them as they faced their personal demons and celebrated their triumphs. It's amazing how a simple panel mission can evoke such strong emotions.

As we wrap up this exciting journey, let's not forget the valuable lessons we've learned along the way. We've discovered the power of teamwork, the importance of perseverance, and the joy of embracing the unexpected. These life lessons, wrapped in a colorful FGO package, will undoubtedly stay with us long after we close this blog.

But wait, there's more! Don't think for a second that our adventure is truly over. The world of Fate/Grand Order is vast, and there are countless more missions waiting to be explored. So, dear visitors, my advice to you is simple: keep your phones charged, your skills sharpened, and your sense of humor intact. Who knows what exciting panel missions await us in the future?

As we say our final goodbyes, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Thank you for joining me on this whimsical journey through the FGO New Year Panel Mission. Your support, enthusiasm, and witty comments have made this experience truly unforgettable.

Remember, fellow masters, the world of Fate/Grand Order is full of surprises, and the adventures never cease. So, until we meet again, may your rolls be blessed with 5-star servants, your bond levels reach new heights, and your panel mission skills remain unparalleled. Farewell, and happy gaming!

People Also Ask About FGO New Year Panel Mission

What is FGO New Year Panel Mission?

FGO New Year Panel Mission is a special event in the popular mobile game Fate/Grand Order, where players can participate in a series of missions and quests to earn rewards and celebrate the New Year.

How do I complete the Panel Missions?

Completing the Panel Missions is quite simple, my friend! You just need to follow the prompts and requirements given in each mission. It could be anything from defeating a certain number of enemies to collecting specific items or even participating in special events. Just keep an eye on the mission details and fulfill the objectives!

What rewards can I get from the Panel Missions?

Ah, the sweet taste of victory! By completing the Panel Missions, you can earn a variety of enticing rewards. This could include valuable in-game currency, powerful items, rare servants, or even exclusive limited-time goodies to make your fellow players green with envy. So put on your game face and start conquering those missions!

Are the Panel Missions difficult to complete?

Well, my dear fellow player, it all depends on your skill and dedication. Some missions may require a little extra effort and strategy, while others might be a walk in the park. But fear not! The game developers always ensure a fair balance of challenges and rewards. So embrace the adventure, gather your trusty servants, and show those missions who's boss!

Can I team up with other players to complete the missions?

Oh, absolutely! Fate/Grand Order is all about teamwork and camaraderie. You can join forces with your friends or even make new allies within the game to tackle those missions together. Not only will it make the journey more enjoyable, but it might also give you an edge in completing some of the more demanding missions. So don't be a lone wolf, my friend!

Will there be special New Year-themed content in the Panel Missions?

Oh, indeed! The New Year spirit is alive and kicking in the FGO New Year Panel Missions. You can expect delightful surprises, festive decorations, and plenty of holiday-themed goodies to keep your spirits high as you embark on your quest for victory. So get ready to immerse yourself in a whimsical winter wonderland!

In conclusion:

FGO New Year Panel Missions are a fantastic way to kick off the year with a bang in Fate/Grand Order. It's your chance to conquer exciting challenges, earn fabulous rewards, and immerse yourself in a festive atmosphere that will make you feel like the hero of your own epic adventure. So gather your courage, sharpen your swords, and let the games begin!

Unlock Exciting Rewards with FGO New Year Panel Mission (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.