The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD- UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2 WARNED ABOUT FIRE DANGERS IN HURRICANE BELT Mass. Residents Cautioned Following Series of Cape Cod Fires BARNSTABLE, May 8 (AP) -With A series of Cape Cod forest fires tinguished or under control, state 1 horlties issued an appeal today to all Massachusetts residents to exercise extreme caution in the prevention of fires, particularly in the belt swept by the 1938 hurricane. Serious Fire Hazard Much of. that area has not been cleared of fallen timber and reprebents a serious fire hazard, state officials said. Raymond J.

Kenny, state conservation commissioner, expressed concern over the imminent danger to wild life, A number of species of which have selected tangled undergrowth as breeding places. He called attention to the State's suspension of permits for out-of-door fires, and asked co-operation of law enforcement agencies in prosecuting violators. An investigation was under way by the state fire marshal's office to de: termine it the fires were of incendiary nature. and Bourne selectmen posted A $100 reward for conviction of any person who set a forest fire. State Fire Warden Maxwell C.

Hutchins advanced the theory the fires might have been sot to improve the soil for blueberry growing. Swedes Lay New Mines In Archipelago Waters May 8 -The Swedish government tonight allnounced A. new series of mines have been laid in territorial waters of the Archipelago off Stockholm from a point approximately 30 miles north to 50 miles south of the capital to facilitate its neutrality guard. The minag will not affect the use of the harbor. CREATE MORE LEISURE TIME! Enjoy Spring Activities to the Fullest dial 3-2146 We'll CLEAN Your WINDOWS Expertly and Economically Our Men Are Bonded insured AMERICAN WINDOW CLEANING CO.

1634 MAIN ST. Regardless of Price NO. BETTER WHISKEY EMUS IN ANY BOTTLE $245 QT. $1.25 COTTLED BY Distilling ALL 00 AV BLENDED proof grain neutral spirits L' WILSON DISTILLING BRISTOL, PA. Book Allyn Was Reading Springfeld Union Photo Two copies of "The Gun" by C.

S. Forester are in the Westfield Athenaeum, one of which was drawn by I'rof. Lewis B. Allyn SCYeral days ago and which he was reading Tuesday night just before he was murdered. Picture shows the duplicate copy.

Violent Death Main Theme Of "The Gun," Read by Allyn Springfield Search Shows Wide Demand by Men for Stories of That Type Stabbings, poisonings, and violent death by all sorts of shootings run through C. S. Forester's book "The Gun" which Prof. Lewis B. Allyn of Westfield was reading before his murder Tuesday night.

Published in Boston in 1933, the novel deals with guerilla fighting in Spain during the P'eninsular War, during the time of Napoleon. The villain of the book is described as a "devil in human form with an insatiable thirst for blood and with a gun of unbelievable power and accuracy." His Reading Ironic That a short time before his death Prof. Allyn should have been reading such sentences as. "there's no sense in being at without an object," "it had, taken much to kill an unarmed man," or "the gun has played its part in seems ironic today, but it wAS the kind of book he enjoyed, according to workers in Atheneum. There are literally thousands of these kinds of thrillers on the shelves of the City Library and in the bookstores and circulating libraries, yesterday not one copy of this particular book could be.

found. Allyn Murder (Continued from First Page) and it would have been very easy for the person who shot Prof. Allyn to park an automoblle in one of these streets and get away after the shooting without attracting any attention. Ag far as could be Jearned none of the neighhors heard the shots which killed Prof, Allyn. Inquiry at the Allyn home tonight brought out the information that the dead chemist was a graduate of WestNormal School and had taken special courses Harvard University.

He also had taught at the normal school. As far as could be learned, he possessed no academic degrees. Like Speer Case Police investigators and civilians have noted A close similarity between this shooting and the fatal shooting of Dr. Elliot Speer, headmaster of Mt. Hermon School.

in Dr. Speer's home in Sept. 14, 1931. Dr. Speer.

was reading a mystery story when he was shot and I'rof. Allyn had been reading a robust adventure novel, 'The Gun," just before he was killed. "The Gun" deals with the Pennisular Wars during the time of Napoleon and contains vivid descriptions of vicious plunderers and violent deaths. Dist. Atty.

Moriarty stated late this afternoon that there had been a struggle in the front hall of Prof. Allyn's home. The professor's eyeglasses were found smashed on the floor and rugs were twisted around. Mrs. Allyn was reported to have told Investigators that she thought her hushand had gone to the front door and had opened it for the person ho killed him.


The Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania, through its famous science museum, honored The Atlantic Refining Company on its 70th Anniversary, The company was given a citation "for its 70 years of progressive research, its contributions to the petroleum industry and its pioneer work in many Aclds." 1940 1 the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Moriarty attached no significance to this report. During the prohibition era, I'rof. Allyn had done considerable analysis work in' bootlegging prosecution work. The investigation was headed by Lieut.

Richard N. Cotter of the district attorney's Springfield office, and Lieut. John Horgan of Pittsfield. Dr. Joseph T.

Walker, State Police chemist, was working with Capt. Van' Amburgh. Mrs. Allyn remained at' the home with her son and daughter, Lewis H. Allyn and Mrs.

Andrew Love, both of whom drove here from New York this morninfite Heard Shots Mrs. Allyn told investigators that Immediately before the shots she neard some sort of all ejacul*tion downstairs. Moriarty said she was unable to identify the voice and heard no intelligible words. The only words she heard her husband speak after the shooting WAS the phrase, "Send for the police," which he uttered as she came down the stairs and again as she lifted him front his knees 10 a prone position on the floor. The book which Prof.

Allyn had been reading Jay 011 the floor beside his easy chair, opened about midway and face down. as though he had placed it there before rising from the chair. Moriarty ridiculed any possible connection between this case and the Speer murder case at Mt. Hermon School except for coincidental similarity in some of the elements of the case. Funeral services for Prof.

Allyn will MRS. LEWIS B. ALLYN Widow of Slain Westfield Pure Foods Expert Ludlow be held in the Congregational Church this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Rev. Roy Gilmour Pavy, pastor, will officiate.

The body will be Friends are requested not to send flowers. Ludlow LUDLOW, May 8-Mrs. C. T. ITarrington is chairman of the rummage sale sponsored by the Ludlow Hospital Guild to be held all day Wriday in the store recently occupied by Suzor's barber shop in Hast Street near the intersection of Highland Avenue.

Anyone desiring to donate articles of furniture, clothing, may do so by calling any member of the committee on Thursday and they will call for the articles. Mr. Harrington is being assisted by Mrs. Meron Nakashian, Mrs. Millard White, Mrs.

Henry Baron, Mrs. k. V. Rooney, Airs. William Neish, Mrs.

Sadie Gothins, Mrs. Alexander Miller, Mrs. Leo Gendreau, Mrs. Aldie Latourneuu, Mrs. Evelyn Pippin, Mrs.

Ernest Brockway and Mrs. Stanley Kapinos. A cooking demonstration under the auspices of the Ludlow Mothers' Club will be held Thursday at 1.30 in the new Legion headquarters in the Business Block in Fast Street. The demonstration will be conducted by Miss Margot Whitmire. Tickets may, he purchased any member the Mothers' Club or by calling Mic.

Carlton V. Miner, retiring president. The Three Club of Union Church will hold a sale of homemade candy in the vestry on Friday at p.m. James 1'. Cormack, treasurer of the Ludlow Savings Bank, announced 10- day that the verification period at the will close on Saturday, May 11.

Every, book, is regardless Important. of the Passhooks amount balance, have been received from California, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland and cities and towns in all the Now England States. Postmaster Hormisdas, Boucher and Mrs. Boucher of Highland Avenue re-. ceived word today that twin daughters have been born to their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas L. Boucher of Han Diego. They were named Patricia Ann and Donna Marie. Saturday at 2.30 a 4-11 musical program will be hold in the Methodist Ring, 4-H music AnyChurch under the leadership of Lyle one interested in this branch of 4-H work is invited.

Says Long Island Fires Brought Under Control RIVERHEAD, N. May 8 (AT) Forest fires which Chief Forest ger Clarence Dare descrihed AS the worst in Long Island's history were brought under control tonight after raging for 32 hours. The Names caused damage estimated by Dare at $100.000 to 15,000 acres of woodland in Suffolk County, menaced the country estates of many wealthy Now York residents, and took a treendous toll of wild -life in hunting serves. Our New Show Is a HIT Hundreds Saw Our New Show Last Night and Cheered the Entire Cast. THE PADDOCK Boston Road, Parker St.

Phone For Reservations 8560 Freddy Lamont Janet Ray Helen and Tort The Doherty Girls Red Honert and His Orchestra DINNER DANCE 6 9 P. M. Plus Floor Show Never 3 Cover. Leaders at School Meeting Springfield Union Photo the annual meeting of school physicians and school Hampden County which was held in Hotel Highland left to right, Clifton H. Hobson, superintendent of Palmer; Dr.

Fredrika Moore, consulting school hygienist Department of Public Health, and Burr F. Jones, of schools in East Longmeadow and chairman of the meeting. Amherst College Old Lentell House Will Be Renovated Officials at officials in last night: schools in of the State superintendent 9. Sophom*ore Accommodations to Be Increased 'AMHERST, May 8-The old Lentell house on South Pleasant Street, until recently the clubhouse of the Faculty Club of Amherst College, will be renovated this summer in order to provide additional sophom*ore accommodations when the college opens next September, according to an announcement made by President Stanley King. To be known as the Noah Webster House, in honor of the first president of the college's board of trustees, the house will accommodate 12 students in six two-room suites.

At present occupied by the Theta Xi fraternity while their new house is being built, the century-old brick house has had an interesting history. In the days before the Civil War it served as an important link in the famous "underground railway" for escaping slaves from the South. "To George Leland Nichols, whose friendship and direction we have much appreciated -the Amherst College Chapel Choir, 1910." This inscription is engraved on a silver cup presented by choir manager Clark Neily, '41, to Prof. Nichols at a reception held tonight home following the choir concert in the Jones Library. lt is a gift of the members of the choir, in recognition of tho work he has done with them and with the Amherst do College music department, which he is leaving this year, Dr.

Richard Kroner, former professor of philosophy at the Universities of Freiburg and Frankfurt, will 'conduct a lecture- -discussion on "Hegel's political philosophy" in Walker Hall; at Amherst College Friday morning: at 11. The lecture is open free to the public. The highest peak in the Philippines is Mt. Apo, in Southern Mindanao, with an clevation of 9610 feet. 3 Rooms of Furniture Credit manager would liked to contact reliable person who would wish to take over $2.30 weekly payments on a 3-room home outfit, bedroom, living room.

and kitchen. Original price was $295.00, unpaid balance is $129.73. Merchandise cannot be told from new. For further information phone Mr. Smith, 7-3339.

HEART DISEASE IN CHILDREN IS STEELE'S TOPIC Tells, County Teachers Most Cases Come After Rheumatic Fever Nearly all school children "suffering from heart disease have it brought on through rheumatic fever, Dr. George L. Steele, Springfeld heart specialist, told school officials and physicians at the annual meting of those in Hampden County which was held in the Hotel Highland last night. Over half the sufferers have mild cases and can carry 011 practically normal activity, he said. Analyzes Cases Dr.

Steele was the principal speaker at the meeting, and gave interesting figures on the prevalence of heart disease among school children. Ninetyfive per cent of those with the ailment have it front rheumatic fovor, he said. Just What Mother Wants PiT THE MAYTAG Master WASHER Here's a beautiful high-baked, enamel finish washer with greater washing capacity. Everything NEW but the grand old name. Any mother would be proud to own a new MAYTAG.

Arrange today for this grand gift. Mother's Day $5995 ROBERTS ENGINEERING CO. 48 Dwight St. Victoria Square Tel. 4-8540 you'll dare say now I ALWAYS GET TENDER BEEF TENDERAY DOES IT FORST IT Haven't you bought a steak, a roast or economy cuts of beef just hoping and praying it would be tender? Wouldn't you like to be sure it is tender? NOW if you buy Forst Formost beef you can feel confident that every member of your family will agree the beef you serve is deliciously juicy and tender, thanks to TENDERAY.

This modern method of tenderizing beef, in nature's own way, is applied to all Forst Formost beef, and the beef is inspected and passed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Establishment, 132. FORST Formost TENDABEEF IS GUARANTEED TENDER If you don't find Forst Formost beef tender, return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Authorized Forst Formost Dealers Have Guaranteed Tendabeef DEALERS ATTENTION! Wire collect, Forst Packing Kingston, N. for representative to call and explain unusual opportunity for you to tie In with this big promotion. tr Of this group, 55 per cent have light cases, 37.

per cent a have moderately heavy cases where activity is limited, and Decadent more are noticcably handicapped. 1 per cont have such severe cases that the heart. cannot carry on properly at rest, he said, Dr. Frederika Moore of the State. Department.

latest -of developments Health' in also the field of public health. She mentioned that Massachusetts one of the 16 states which have compulsory health examinations of school children, and one of the 11. that have them twice yearly. She reported that both the American School Health. Association and the American Public Health Association have sent resolutions to Congress urging that, if the Wagner Act is amended to provide Federal grants for state promotion of public health, the funds ho administered jointly by education land health departments of the states, A committee was appointed to ar4 rango consisting for of nest year's Superintendent annual of I I I meeting Schools Ballard D.

Remy of chairman, Dr. Honoria K. Shine of Holyoke and Dr. George Wager, school physicians for Russell, Montgomery, and Blandford. There were 36 physicians and school officials from Hampden County present.

INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gas trapped in the stomach or rallet may net like 1 on the heart. At the Arst sign of distress anart med and women depend on Bell -ans Tablets to set gas free. No larative but made of the fastestacting medicines known for arid indigestion. If the FIRST DOSE doesa't prove Bell-ans better, return bottle to as and receive DOUBLE Money Back, 25c, BURNAM'S SALE Entire Stock 1 AIR STEP and PARAMOUNT SHOES (Spring Shoes Only) 40 AIR STEPS The shoes with the magic soles which are making Springfield women "foot happy." Try a pair of these lovely shoes at this marvelous saving. Regular $6.00, PARAMOUNT SHOES Try a pair of these high style shoes in black, brown, blue or beige.

'Sizes to 10. Regular $6.75. 3 DAYS ONLY -THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY One store, with an eye to business, ordered several volumes yesterday hoping for momentary interest. I'rof. Allyn was not alone in his liking for such novels.

He was one of a large group of scientists and professional men who find relaxation in reading this type of literature literature which carries them of themselves land routine life, into excitements which they might never otherwise encounter. Inquiry at various bookstores yesterday elicited the information that thrillers and mystery stories are greatly sought after by doctors and lawyers, and that they were regular customers for all such new works. While many women appear to enjoy this type of literature, the big demand comes from the men. One clerk remembered that a lastminute Christmas shopper, a worried woman, rushed in and demanded a book with "lots of shootings in it." It was for 2 male relative and the obliging clerk got her book with the growsome title, "Road to the Graveyard," by whom, the clerk had forgotten. She went away happy and the relative got his thriller.

lice said the signs of the struggle would tend to substantiate this belief. some instrument Moriarty said had not been determined. Ballistics experts took from the home this afternoon a .22 caliber rifle and a ,32 caliber revolver which they said bolonged to Prof, Allyn. Moriarty said it was not immediately determined whether the rifle, had been fired recently. I The possibility of suicide has been definitely eliminated, Moriarty said.

The gun with which Prof. Allyn was shot had not been found. No apparent murder motive had been uncovered. I'rof. Allyn was shot while in the livingroom of his home, where he had been reading A detective murder mygtery.

His wife, who had retired to her upstairs bedroom. to read and who was the only other person known to he in the home, found him lying in A dying condition When she rushed downstairs. Prof. Allyn's words before he died, Mrs. Allyn said, were, "Send for the police." The professor was dead when officers arrived at the home in response to a telephone call from Mrs.

Allyn. Moriarty said four .22 caliber shells were found scattered in the home, one in a front hallway and three in the living room. He said the weapon appeared 10 have been an automatic pistol, although he WA.S awaiting determination of this point by Cant. Charles J. Van Amburgh, State Police ballistics expert.

The autopsy was performed by Dr. Alan I. Moritz, Harvard pathologist, assisted by Medical Examiner Edward S. Smith and Associate Medical Examiner Itobert D. Hildreth.

Police Chief Allen H. L. Smith sued a public appeal to Westfield residents to notify police immediately they find a gun and not to touch lie said he would appreciate it if dents in the Western Avenue section would search their grounds for such a gull. First man to enter the home after the shooting was Clarence A. Kinar4 of 6 Hawthorne Street, manager the Westfield Gas Electric ment and a neiglibor.

He came in sponse to a call from Mrs. Allyn after she had notified the police. A young high school girl identified A8 Anna Sikora, employed part time in. the home as 8 domestic, and her brother, drove up in front. of the home last night just after police arrived.

The two were questioned the polico this morning, together with two other young who 'wore brought to headquarters by Detective Francis Tuohey for 01108- tinning regarding what they might have seen. Report Door Open In far 78 could ho learned windows of the room in which Allyn was shot were closed. There WAS rumor, unconfirmed officially, that police found the rear door the home open they arrived. theory that the murderer left by tear door was under investigation appeared to have possible support the fact that I'rof. Allyn had walked into the kitchen, possibly following him assailant.

I'rof. Allyn had for several Vears assisted in investigation research It is possible, however, the investigators said, the killer entored the house without being admitted by anyone. As far as the investigators have been able to find out, Prof. and Mrs. Alls were the only ones in the house when the slayer entered.

Four bullets were fired into I'rof. Allyn's body. An autopsy showed one entered his heart, another lodged in the right lung, the third entered the chest and the fourth slightly wounded the stomach. Ag far as could be learned, the weapon has not found. Bloodstains were marked in a front hall a short distance inside the door and led from there to the kitchen and back into the Jiving room where I'rot.

Allyn died, Moriarty said. Prof. Allyn's body bore "cuts" about the head but whether fro mthe fall as he collapsed or from AL blow with THIS. IS' AIGRAND STEAK, -BUT CAN WE AFFORD THIS KIND. OF IT'S TENDERAY STEAK, M.Y: DEAR -AND.

IT COSTS NO MORE THAN WHAT I USUALLY PAY. No PREMIUM PRICE for Tenderay tender beef Without paying a premium price, you can now make sure of getting always tender beef, more juicy with more flavor and more taste. if you want a luscious, thick steak, a fine roast or one of the many economy cuts that are so delicious when they are really tender, ask for Tenderay and make sure of tenderness and flavor. Next time you buy beef, shop at a store authorized to display the famous Tenderay sign, ask for Tenderay by name. is- if it.

of rethe men the Prof. of A this and in of 1. Hare you ever wondered why the steaks and roasts that are served to you at good hotels and restaurants are so much more tender than those you usually get at home? is a patented in developed Westinghouse, Inlaboratories -famous Mellon the world mechan. stitute. It treatments.

chemicals, beef consistently ical of delicious, brought tender modern 2,169,081 and 2,192,348 Pat.Nos. 2. Here's what chefs say: "Of course, the meat we serve is mare tender and juicy. We specially age it for many weeks to bring out all its tenderness. That's why it's better but more expensive, 3.

Now scientists a new way to make the hecf you buy for home just as tender and tasteful as the more expensive and specially aged beef. This remarkable new beef is called TENDERAY. Copyright 1940, Westing Electric and Manufacturing Company AN TENDERAY DEALERS SOLD THIS DISPLAYING) BEEF TENDERAY 1 4 8 2..

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.