The Gravel Ride. A cycling podcast: Kowtown Gravel: Another secret stash of great Colorado gravel with Laura Wisner (2024)

Jan 5, 2024

Laura Wisner joins the podcast to discuss Kowtown Gravel, a gravelcycling event that takes place in Kremmling, Colorado. She sharesher background in cycling and how she found her way to gravelcycling. Laura talks about her connection to Kremmling and thebeautiful gravel roads in the area. She describes the differentterrains and challenges that riders can expect on the KowtownGravel course. Laura also discusses the spirit of the event and howit is a fundraiser for the community gym in Kremmling. She invitescyclists to come and experience the unique gravel roads andwelcoming community of Kowtown Gravel.

Key Takeaways: - Kowtown Gravel is agravel cycling event that takes place in Kremmling, Colorado. - Theevent offers three course lengths: the Bull (90 miles), the Cow (60miles), and the Calf (35 miles). - The course features a mix ofsmooth gravel roads, chunkier sections, and climbs. - KowtownGravel is a fundraiser for the community gym floor in Kremmling. -The event welcomes both competitive riders and those who want toenjoy a scenic ride.

Kowtown Gravel Website

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[00:00:00] Craig Dalton: Hello, and welcome tothe gravel ride podcast, where we go deep on the sport of gravelcycling through in-depth interviews with product designers, eventorganizers and athletes. Who are pioneering the sport

I'm your host, Craig Dalton, a lifelong cyclist who discoveredgravel cycling back in 2016 and made all the mistakes you don'tneed to make. I approach each episode as a beginner down, unlockall the knowledge you need to become a great gravel cyclist.

[00:00:26] Craig Dalton (host): This week onthe podcast. We welcome Laura Wizner to the show to talk about cowtown, gravel Cowtown gravel is a Colorado event happening on July6th, 2024 in Kremmling, Colorado. Kremmling as a town you might'vebeen through on your way to Steamboat Springs, but it's a town. Therace organizers want you to remember as the gravel is fantastic asare the views. Laura's come on to talk to us about all you canexpect from Cowtown, gravel, and an interesting story about how shebecame familiar with crumbling in the first place. I hope you enjoythis episode.

Before we jump in, I did need to thank this week. Sponsor,dynamic cyclist. Dynamic cyclist has been producing, cycling,specific stretching and strengthening routines for many years. Now.They've got a vast library of content, both focused on you as ageneral cyclist, but also many different programs based on specificareas of weakness. It's during this period every year in the winterthat I start thinking about how limiting my personal low backproblems have made my cycling.

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So none of us has any excuses not to squeeze them into ourwinter routines to get us prepped for this season. I say that, andI'm not going to lie. I miss a day or two here or there, but it'son my mind, frankly, constantly this idea that stretching isprobably one of the most important things I can do to set myself upfor success in 2024.

So go on over to dynamic They've got a seven dayfree trial. So it's easy to see if, if it's something that youwould like, they're also offering our listeners a 15% off discounton any of their programs. Which include either monthly or annualbilling. So it's pretty flexible. If you're someone who just wantsto do some routines in the winter, for example, anyway, head onover to dynamics,

Use the coupon code, the gravel ride, or follow the link in theshow notes to get directly over there. With that business behindus, let's jump right into my conversation with Laura.

[00:03:01] Craig Dalton: Laura, welcome to theshow.

[00:03:02] Laura Wisner: I'm so glad that youhave me here. Thank you.

[00:03:05] Craig Dalton: Where are you sittingtoday?

[00:03:07] Laura Wisner: I am based inBoulder,

[00:03:08] Craig Dalton: Colorado. Okay, andI'm excited to get you on to talk about Cowtown Gravel, which isnot in Boulder, Colorado. So why don't you just set the stage bytelling us where Cowtown Gravel takes place, and why don't you dropthe, the month it takes place as well.

[00:03:24] Laura Wisner: Okay, so CowtownGravel is in Kremling, Colorado. Um, it's going to take place forthe second time on July 6, 2024. And Kremling, for those who havebeen to Steamboat, if you are coming from the Front Range Denverarea, and you get a high 70, you go, um, north, we are the crook inthe road in between Silverthorne and Steamboat Springs.

Um, so Kremling is that, that little town that everybody has togo through, but may not have ever stopped there.

[00:04:02] Craig Dalton: Yeah, I think as wediscovered offline on my way to steamboat gravel, I definitely wentthrough Kremling. I lived in Boulder, and if you had asked me topoint to it on a map prior to this conversation, I wouldn't havebeen able to do it.

But it's clear from my driving through that area, it'sabsolutely a beautiful part of the state. So we'll get into why andhow the event got started. But first, let's just learn a little bitmore about you and how you found your way to cycling and gravelcycling specifically.

[00:04:31] Laura Wisner: Yeah, well, I mean,old, old school is Anybody who grew up in upper Midwest gravel roadwhen they were kids, because not all roads were, um, paved backthen.

So, I mean, I started as a kid, just getting on my bike whenyou're up at our, um, vacation cottage and just take off for hoursand hours on a gravel road, you know, no cell phones, parents haveno idea where I was, um, no helmet, probably riding in cutoff jeansor something like that. But, um, you know, those are the, the goodold days and then as I became an adult and got into, um, ridingproper, uh, you know, got into road riding, mountain biking,cyclocross, and, um, the blessing of living in Boulder County isthat we have these amazing gravel roads and, you know, people ask,well, why are you riding gravel?

And I liken it to, if you live along one of the coasts, Youlearn to surf because it's right there and you should takeadvantage of it. So living here in Boulder County, it's crazy notto have a gravel bike or at least, you know, change out your wheelsso you can get on our back roads and just go for miles and milesand hours and hours.


[00:05:50] Craig Dalton: yeah, I'm thinkingback to which probably my first quote unquote gravel event wasBoulder Rue Bay. In the early 90s when I lived in Boulder, and Icertainly rode that on 23 C road tires. There's no doubt about itin my mind. Yeah, and

[00:06:07] Laura Wisner: with my, my cyclingfriends and club, you know, we would, you know, even 10 years ago,we, a lot of us were just riding on gravel roads with, you know,road tires, um, and that was okay because they're, they're sosmooth around here.

And if you got a little chunky, well, I hope you're by handlingslower. Up to the challenge, but, you know, this, uh, gravelrevolution happened and all of a sudden you have all these options,um, not only in tires, but all of a sudden frames and, you know, itjust became this. Um, the celebration of all things gravel.

And so now it's just another bike in your quiver. Um, so yeah,we did that too.

[00:06:54] Craig Dalton: As gravel started tobecome popularized and specific bikes started to arrive. Were yousomeone who found your way to gravel events outside of BoulderCounty? Yeah, you know,

[00:07:05] Laura Wisner: I did the very first,um, seaboat gravel. Um, did that for a couple of years and at thatpoint I was racing cross and so what I would do is use my crossbike and just switch out.

Um, the wheels, but, you know, the one by there's some prettygood grades around here. If you head up the mountains straight fromBoulder, um, you can go up to Gold Hill or Ward. Um, it's a littlehard on a 1 by, you know, that's a pretty good workout in and ofitself. And geometry is not quite right, so it.

Became a love of mine to the point where, okay. I'm going allin, I'm buying the frame, you know, the specific. Um, gravel bikeand got rid of the road frame and. And then got rid of the crossbike and gravel is pretty much it at this

[00:08:00] Craig Dalton: point. Nice. And solet's talk about your connection to Kremling, Colorado, and how youbecame familiar with the area in the first place.

[00:08:10] Laura Wisner: Yeah. So Kremling,other being the, other than being the, uh, the bend in the road asyou go up the steamboat, it's the, uh, West Grams County area. Sopeople know Winter Park. Winter Park is. East Grand, Kremling isWest Grand, and so I've been in Grand County quite a bit, skiingand cycling and things like that, but my husband has a familypractice position, and for five years, he was Kremling's town doc,and so we kept our family home base here in Boulder, and he wouldgo up to Kremling midweek, and it's a small community, it'spredominantly a ranching community, And he got to know the peopleand, um, I got to slowly know more of the people and when I wouldgo up to visit him midweek.

We would go for gravel rides, and I was just blown away by roadsthat I didn't know existed. Um, the quality of the gravel wasincredible. Um, and I had ridden, you know, boulder roads, I hadridden around steamboats. Um, and, and crumbling is justunsurpassed as far as the quality of its gravel. And the roads thatwe rode for three hours, and I think one truck passed us.

Um, so, um, being part of Cowtown Gravel is just my way ofgiving back to that community and being able to lend my excitementfor what the area has to offer to other folks who love gravel asmuch as I do.

[00:09:51] Craig Dalton: I've gotten manyquestions about Cowtown Gravel, but I have to take us on a quickdetour because I'm curious.

I had recently, I'm curious about becoming the town doctor for acommunity. Is that was your husband sort of offered employment atthe city or county level to come and be a physician for thatcommunity? And my only point of reference is watching Doc Hollywoodrecently with my 9 year old son,

[00:10:20] Laura Wisner: my husband was aposition on the front range for a while and part of the, the biggersystem that sometimes is kind of beholden to insurance companies.And he just wanted something different. Um, and in Boulder, alittle bit of his frustration was continually patting people on theback thing. You're healthy as a horse, you know, continue thatmarathon training or, you know, climbing or whatever you'redoing.

Um, if you wanted something a little bit more challenging, andwhen you go to a rural community, you get to see a lot more. Um,Kremlin does have an incredible, uh, health system up there. Theywere the first in Colorado to have a trauma one emergency room, uh,decades ago. And, um, they're, they're top notch, uh, health careup there, but it's hard to find doctors in rural areas.

So, um, he, he, his attention was called to this position and hewent up there and thought, you know, what? I want to do this, um,and truly the only reason that he came back. To the front range,uh, after five years is because we have a, a kid who's finishing uphigh school and he wanted to be present for that last year.

So, so he made the change, but there is a part of both his andmy heart that is still in K Town.

[00:11:49] Craig Dalton: Yeah, you hadmentioned, obviously part of his journey was getting to knowmembers of the community and de facto with your visits there, youstarted to get to know. some of the community members and as avidcyclists exploring.

It sounds like you found other gravel cyclists who are based outof Cowtown. Can you talk about some of those characters you met?Oh

[00:12:10] Laura Wisner: yeah, and, and thebiggest character of all is Sean Scholl, who is a co race promoterwith, uh, along with Blaine Day. And Sean is Big Shooter of BigShooter Coffee. And he is this incredibly loud, large character whois just incredible and so full of fun and has a lot of energy.

And he, he was a world class athlete. And I would even say stillis. Um, so he lives up there and he and Blaine are cycling buddies.And they wanted to create an event. Up in Kremling, welcome theworld, come and check it out, check out the back roads. And when Iheard through the grapevine that they were going to have thisgravel race, I reached out to them and I said, I'm in, I want tohelp, what can I do?

My background is in marketing and so I was able to lend that tothem. The organization and so the, the really incredible thingabout Blaine and Sean is that they're not trying to create an eventthat is just, you know, really easy. Come on up and, you know,we'll show you our background roads and we'll just have a greatday.

They surprised people in our first year with how hot it was. So,the Kremlin gravel, uh, we call it untapped and untamed, which iswhen you drive into Kremlin, that's the sign as you come into town,welcome to Kremlin, untapped and untamed. And we decided to putthat as our gravel moniker. Um, there are roads that you couldn'teven tell that's gravel because it almost feels paved.

Um, and then you can go a little further in and, you know, get alittle bit chunkier, um, a little bit rowdier. Um, and and whatthese guys are doing is they are creating an experience for, um,all 3 of our porcelain that people are just blown away by. Um,they're blown away by the climbing. They're blown away by, um,sections.

Of roads or trails that they didn't even know existed. So we hadsuch good feedback last year that the team had scientists went backto the drawing board. That my ride this year and made it evenrowdier. So, really excited to have those people who joined us lastyear. Come and see what we have in store this year.

[00:14:50] Craig Dalton: Yeah, that soundsamazing. So I want to talk a little bit about the gravel. I mean,obviously, if you go a little further up the road, an hour tosteamboat, they talk about champagne gravel. You've been describingit a little bit, but it sounds like the team at Cowtown is tryingto make sure that both our climbing legs, as well as our technicalskills are explored.

So what type, you know, if you think about through the course ofthe, the longer course, Think about the types of terrain anddescribe some of the different areas, whether it's single track,double track or dirt road that you might find yourself on.

[00:15:23] Laura Wisner: Yeah. So, um, rightnow on calicongravel. com, we have the maps available to folks withthe one caveat is that these might change because we're workingwith the Bureau of Land Management and the PLM.

Um, Bill are going to tell us yes or no on some sections. So weput the scenario on that has more paved segments than non paved. Ishould say. All of our 3 races are predominantly gravel. If the BLMwill give us permission, we're going to take off more pavedsections and add more gravel for unpaved. So, um, our longestcourse is called the bull.

It's 90 miles and it has 8, 000 feet of climbing. So, as itstands right now, worst case scenario, 76 percent unpaid, which ispretty incredible in and of itself. So, uh, we start right outsideof town square. Um, we're going to start the high school, alldowntown Kremling. Um, and we're going to start going northeast andif we're starting with paves, it's going to be a pretty faststart.

There will be a peloton and, and, um, some people can hang onfor dear life and some are just going to, you know, hard chargefrom the start. From there, we get to a really smooth gravel. It'svery similar to Of pavement and you will hardly even tell that it'sit's gravel. Um, and it's just a hard pack. It's beautiful.

And from there, we go to what we call the whoopie moves and, um,just rolling, um, up and down and that is probably 1 of ourchunkier sections, um, you know, a little bit looser, a little bitlarger, uh, rock section, but It is something that anybody with,you know, halfway decent bike handling skills is going to be ableto accomplish, um, and they're fun.

And so we go from there back to a nice hard pack gravel. Um,something that is new this year is we're going up Black Mountain,um, which is about a 1600 foot climb. And both the bull long courseand the cow mid length course will go up Black Mountain. Um, and atthe top they're going to go down through three miles of privateranch land, which is super cool because, you know, part of the funof gravel is exploring roads and places you've never been.

So this private ranch land is only going to be accessible onrace day. So you can't pre ride it. Can't check it out the daybefore. So that is going to be, um, a really fun first climb andI'll probably set the, the pack apart a bit there.

[00:18:30] Craig Dalton: And how about on that,on that descent, is it the type of thing that it's sort of wideopen and it's full gas or are there some technical elements to itthat you need to be cautious about?


[00:18:42] Laura Wisner: it's going to be fine.It's not going to be super technical because we are taking, um. Themid and the long course through it. We wanted to make sure that,you know, we're not, uh, less than anybody going down that. So, um.It's totally rideable, and, and you won't need shocks, and, and youwon't need, uh, mountain bike handling skills.

But, I mean, those people who are, who want to go fast certainlycan let it loose on that. It'll be great. Yeah,

[00:19:13] Craig Dalton: yeah, and then itlooks like from the course profile that you hit another big climb.Well,

[00:19:17] Laura Wisner: here's where the two,uh, courses diverge. So, the bull, will go up again, and they'll goup Grouse Mountain.

This was a part of the course from last year that people reallyenjoyed. Um, so they'll go up, and Grouse Mountain is, um, it's a,it's a paved, not a paved, it's a gravel road for ranchers toaccess their ranches. So, I mean, it's just a normal road. Once youget up towards the loop, there is going to be a little bit more,um, dirt section versus gravel, um, and.

The whole loop has been expanded this year, so people can catchtheir breath this year. Check out the views, that's our highestpoint in the race. And, um, it's really beautiful. There's anabandoned cabin up there. There are streams that people often justfill their water bottles with, unfiltered water. Um, and aretotally fine.

So, we are going back up Grouse Mountain on the long course.Doing a lollipop and then coming back down

[00:20:28] Craig Dalton: again. Got it. And Iforgot to mention, or ask, what elevation is crumbling to startwith?

[00:20:34] Laura Wisner: Oh, crumbling is, uh,sorry about that. Crumbling is a little bit lower. I'd have tocheck that out.

[00:20:45] Craig Dalton: Yeah, so a little bitlower than Boulder.

So we're, we're not in the stratosphere when we climb up 1600feet.

[00:20:50] Laura Wisner: Um, I'm not going tosay it's lower than Boulder, but it's, it's not, um, oh, 73, almost7400 feet.

[00:20:59] Craig Dalton: Okay. So that's nojoke for us. Flatlanders.

[00:21:02] Laura Wisner: Well, we have to giveyou some, some elements of the mountains here, but it's not likeyou're starting up at 11, 000 feet and you're going to feel thealtitude a little bit if you're coming from,

[00:21:15] Craig Dalton: yeah, that's part ofthe fun.

Okay, so we've gone up and down grass mountain. What, what comesnext?

[00:21:22] Laura Wisner: Okay, so what we'redoing this year is we are reversing course around our reservoir.Williams Fork Reservoir is just beautiful. And last year we startedand went around it counterclockwise and so the Peloton was prettytight through all of that.

This portion is paved, um, to get to the, um, WilliamsportReservoir, you just have a little bit on the highway, but then alittle climb again, about 500 feet, and then, um, you'll go aroundthe water, um, um, And start heading back towards crumbling. Soit's really scenic. Uh, and just really kind of a nice thing to seewater, uh, water is a big issue for us here in the West.

And so you're going to cross the Colorado on a bridge and thengo around and work and see mountains in the background and it's.It's just really spectacular if you can catch your breath and lookup once in a while.

[00:22:26] Craig Dalton: I forgot to ask thison air, but how do you sort of cast the event in terms of a raceversus a ride?

And are there, is it a heavily competitive element in the frontend? So

[00:22:39] Laura Wisner: the spirit of KowtownGravel is we wanted to A, welcome people to the Kremling and andhave them stop in our earlier than steamboat. Um, Kremling is onlyan hour and a half, two hours from the front range, depending onwhere you are.

Um, we wanted to invite people to Kremling and check out ourgravel. Secondly, it is a fundraiser for the community gym floor.The floor is half pulled out, and the multi generational communityjust really needs a place to work out that there's, you know, theschools need, um, a place to have the kids sports.

The older folk need a place to work out, and so this is afundraiser for the Middle Park gym, and so we don't have a prizepurse at this point. We are trying to raise money. And so we havehad some really competitive people come the first year. We had somesemi pros and some pros come. And again, this year we are not goingto offer a prize purse.

Um, because this is a fundraiser, but that said, there were somepretty fast calves who came and raced, but we welcome those whojust want to come out for an event and get access to this ranchthat they're never going to be able to ride on again. Um, do theshort course, which we call the calf course, which is, um, justreally a welcoming section of Kremlin gravel.

Um, E bikes are welcome on it, families are welcome on it,people who just don't want to commit the time or the distance. Thisis a 35 mile, just on a 35 mile course. 2200 miles of elevationgain. So, uh, we hope that some, some more pros come out. We'regoing to, you know, reach out and invite folks. Um, but you'regoing to, you know, the fun of gravel is you can come race an eventor just come out and ride it because you're with, you know, a fewhundred of your like minded

[00:24:48] Craig Dalton: friends.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You're a great distance away from thefront range to kind of come out and experience something unique.And I always love when events are able to negotiate access to landthat we wouldn't otherwise get to ride because it just adds a sortof additional special elements to the

[00:25:05] Laura Wisner: day.

Well, in Special Elements, the, one of the things about Kremlingis that it being a ranch community, um, big shooter, Sean, is afifth generation rancher, and so he goes out and personally talksto the ranchers along the course. And ask them, please don't doyour cattle drive a few days before, or this day, because we'regoing to have a lot of cyclists coming to, um, you know, youimagine a herd of cattle on the road, trying to compete for theroad with cyclists.

Or if they do their cattle drive a couple of days before, you'regoing to have a lot of cow pies being flipped up with the gravel.So, it's a unique, um, a unique aspect that Cowtown has. I mean, itreally is, uh, true to its name in that aspect. Yeah,

[00:25:58] Craig Dalton: that's great. I'm surethat Sean as a local and a cattleman himself is able to get his Hispeers excited for the option of allowing cyclists to come throughtown and not get too annoyed that their, their day might be alittle bit disrupted by a Peloton at some point.

[00:26:16] Laura Wisner: Well, you could getthat in an urban setting or anywhere, but, um, the, the communityof crumbling was really wonderful. We had. People from theretirement community make breakfast burritos and still those beforethe race of the fundraiser. Um, we had the high school band comeand play at the after party. We had ranchers who were just out ontheir horses along the course and waving us on and cheering for usand.

Um, it's just a really cool, unique

[00:26:45] Craig Dalton: event. That's fun. Iwas going to ask you, like, if someone was interested in coming tothe event, are there accommodations in Kremling, or do peopletypically drive in that day, or are they staying over? Youknow,

[00:26:58] Laura Wisner: it's a mix, because,um, We're about an hour from Winter Park, about an hour fromSteamboat, um, less than an hour from Summit County, and so thereare a lot of folks in Colorado who have vacation homes, and so theymight come up, do the event for the day, and because we're so closeto the front range, you know, within two hours, some people mightjust make it a day event, go up and back.

Kremlin does have lodging, we have A little bit of lodging, soif you're going to want a hotel to sleep in a bed, I'll get yourlodging early. We do have an RV part. We have, um, camping. There'scamping around the reservoir that we're going to ride around so. Iwould recommend that if people want to come up and we would love tohave you, we're going to have a great time afterward.

Uh, spend the night before, spend the night after, but make yourplans early, especially because it is the 4th of July holiday.Okay.

[00:28:02] Craig Dalton: And so what's theexperience like once we cross the finish line? What should ridersexpect at that point?

[00:28:09] Laura Wisner: Well, we have expandedour finish line experience this year. Um, and you know, we learnthings as every race.

Organization does. So this year we're going to have an archwelcoming people in. So it feels like I'm done. Um, we finished atTown Square, which has a brand new pavilion. So there's going to bea lot of shade. Um, we're going to have a band again. We're goingto have food for people. There's a beer trailer.

Um, kids can run around with their shoes off. It's just a reallyclean park and people just they hung out. You know, it's the I'llpray experience. You say hello to old friends. You talk to people.You might have met on course and road with for a while. So it wasreally nice event that it's the kind of thing where people hang outfor a few hours and just chat it up and talk about theirexperience.

[00:29:08] Craig Dalton: And prior to prior tothis recording, you'd sent me a photo and you told me there was aninteresting story. So it's a photo. I'm looking at a wide expanseof beautiful grazing land backdrop of beautiful Colorado mountains.I think that's a mosaic bike, but the writer is wearing what seemsto be a bull.

Skull on their head.

[00:29:33] Laura Wisner: So that writer is BenDelaney, and he came up in order to check out the course last yearand Ben is a cycling journalist journalist who's been aroundforever. So that was on the top of Grouse Mountain and it took alittle stop at the top to look around, take pictures and he pointsat the ground and says what's that?

And of course, Cowtown. It's a cow pelvis bone, and the thingis, is really funny because it just looks like something out of aaction hero movie. And so he started wearing it as a mask, wore itas a breastplate, was just hamming it up in front of a camera. But,you know, it's, it's, you know, it's trembling and there's going tobe cow bones laying around.

So, that, that's the

[00:30:21] Craig Dalton: cow pelvis. It's agreat, it's a great image and I'll, I'll make sure to put that aspart of the part of the episode art so people can check it out. So,what's the best way for people to find out more about cowtowngravel? When are you opening up registration?

[00:30:38] Laura Wisner: So, we are openingregistration to the public on January 6, 2024.

Um, people who sign up for our newsletter get to register a fullday early. So we, in our inaugural year last year, we had 350 spotsand we sold out and people were begging for a wait list. And sothis year, we are going to open up to 700 spots. Um, and we dofully expect to sell out again. So again, go to CowTownGravel.

com and put as much information as possible on our website,including a link to register the course maps, descriptions. Um,where do you find lodging? Um, it's all on our website.

[00:31:25] Craig Dalton: Great, and definitelygive them a follow on Instagram and see some of those great viewswe've been talking about. It looks like a lot of fun.

I definitely love these sort of rural town starts. It's reallycool to see another part of Colorado kind of raising their hand andsaying, Hey, we've got great riding here too. And it's excitingthat Sean and Blaine Kind of took this opportunity to sort of writea gravel love letter to their hometown and invite 700 of their newfriends to come join them in 2024.


[00:31:56] Laura Wisner: we, we promise thatit'll be experience that will not soon be forgotten.

[00:32:01] Craig Dalton: Awesome. Thanks forthe time.

[00:32:03] Laura Wisner: Come back outColorado. We'd

[00:32:05] Craig Dalton: love to see you. Yeah,I definitely need another Colorado trip in my life. That's forsure. Thanks for all the

[00:32:12] Laura Wisner: time, Laura. Allright. Thank you.

[00:32:15] Craig Dalton (host): That's going todo it for this week's edition of the gravel ride podcast. Big,thanks to Laura for coming on the show and talking to us about cowtown gravel. If you're listening to this in early January.Registration opens up on January 6th. So make sure to head on overto the Cowtown gravel website, which I will link to in the shownotes and grab a registration.

If this event sounds like your cup of tea. Big, thanks to ourfriends at dynamic cyclists for sponsoring the show. Remember usethe code, the gravel ride for 15% off any of their programs. Ifyou're interested and we're able to support the show, ratings andreviews are hugely appreciated. It really helps in ourdiscoverability. Better yet, send a text message to one of yourriding buddies and share the show with them.

That's another great way to grow the community. Until next time,I'm wishing you a happy new year and here's to finding some dirtunder your wheels.

The Gravel Ride. A cycling podcast: Kowtown Gravel: Another secret stash of great Colorado gravel with Laura Wisner (2024)
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