Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (2024)

How can you use a Reverse Phone Lookup to find out who is calling?

Do a phone number lookup to find unknown callers!

ID Unknown Numbers

Use a reverse phone lookup to identify unknown landline and cell phone numbers.

Search Anywhere

You can do a reverse phone search anywhere, anytime from any device.

Thorough Results

Our phone number lookup reports go deep to get an owner's background info, as well as their name.

The PeopleFinders phone number lookup gives you all the information you need about an unknown caller. Our complete phone number directory is always up-to-date. Plus, our easy-to-use site gives you instant results, making your reverse phone search as convenient as it is helpful. Find the name, address, and other pertinent background info about a phone number's owner.

Experience PeopleFinders using our free trial period and see for yourself! Test drive the power and accuracy of our reverse phone search results firsthand.

Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (1)

The PeopleFinders Reverse Phone Lookup

Thousands of different data sources provide us with billions of up-to-date records about more than 250 million adults in the U.S.

There are a variety of reasons why you may be compelled to perform a reverse phone search. Maybe you just got a call on your phone from a number you don't recognize. You might have found an old contact in your cell with no name attached to it. You may even have seen a sign or ad for a product or service that you'd like to look into.

No matter why you need to look up a phone number, you'll have a fast, easy experience here at PeopleFinders. All you have to do is enter the area code and 7-digit number in the field at the top of this page and click "Search." With our phone number lookup, you'll be able to get all the available details about the phone account's owner in our database: their name, address, email address, and so much more.

How Can I Perform a Reverse Phone Lookup?

You can perform a reverse phone lookup on PeopleFinders in three easy steps:

  1. Click on the "Phone" option in the search bar.
  2. Enter the phone number you want to look up, including the area code.
  3. Click on the "Search Now” button.

Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (2)

Get the Upper Hand

Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (3)
  • Studies show that scam calls rose a whopping 118% between 2020 and 2021 [1]
  • In the year leading up to June 2021, Americans lost nearly $30 billion to scam calls [2]
  • The average cost for the victim per scam call is around $600 [3]
  • The FTC reports that 36% of fraud begins with a phone call [4]
  • Nearly 70% of these scam callers use ‘spoofing’ techniques to gain the victim’s trust [5]

Cybercrime is on the rise and it carries increasing risks for both personal privacy and financial security. Cyber criminals - who often operate anonymously online - can siphon valuable information from unsuspecting victims, which they then use to steal identities, access bank accounts, or even take over entire email accounts without detection.

It's important to take proactive measures to protect yourself is essential in today's digital world - if you've been contacted by an unfamiliar number, a reverse phone search can help reveal the caller's true identity before they have a chance to get access to your personal information.

Read more about the increase of phone scams here.

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As seen on

Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (4)Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (5)Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (6)Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (7)Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (8)Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (9)

Disclaimer: Reference to these organizations does not represent an endorsem*nt or sponsorship of PeopleFinders or its products.

See How We Keep Millions of People Safe

Learn more information about how reverse address lookup can help keep you, your family and your friends safe. There are so many ways to use PeopleFinders services to find valuable information. Whether it is for an online meetup, or learning about a neighborhood.

Find Person by Name

Search people by just a name. If you don't have any other information this is the best way to search to learn more information about someone. You can also narrow down the person with any other information you have with the easy to use interface.

Search by Name

Phone Number Lookup

If you received a call from an unknown number or have a person's phone number, you can use reverse phone lookup to learn information about the number and person. You can learn information like name, address public and criminal records.

Search by Phone Number

Address Lookup

Use address lookup to learn more about a house, who has lived in the house and neighborhoods. This is useful if you are going to be moving to a location, traveling or having a meetup.

Search by Address Lookup

Why Use PeopleFinders for a Phone Number Lookup?

Not all reverse phone lookups are created equal. At PeopleFinders, we have vast numbers of data sources we can pull from, and we are able to do it instantly with our state-of-the-art servers. After decades in the business, we also have the expertise you can count on when you need accurate phone search results fast. Read on to see all the information you can expect to receive from our phone lookup reports:

Find out who called you – get a name on almost any phone number's account.

Sometimes a search is as simple as seeing the name listed on a phone number account. It could be an old friend, distant relative, or someone from your past. Here's your chance to reconnect! If you don't recognize the name, you can always go further with more info from our phone number lookup.

Person Search

Phone Carrier

Dig a little deeper – see a phone number's carrier and general location.

Along with the account owner's name, you'll also be able to see a phone number's carrier and known coverage area. That way, you'll learn more about the number's account and the city and state where it should be currently located. You can also find out if the phone number has had multiple owners.

Carrier Search

See where it came from – get the address on the account and more contact info.

When you perform a phone number lookup at PeopleFinders, we'll show you the latest address on that number's account. Sometimes, that's all you need to know about who is trying to get in touch with you using an unknown number.

Address Search

Owner Data

See the whole picture – access our full database of public records info and data.

Starting with the name we have on file for a phone number's account, we can connect you to a vast aggregation of related public info. That means you can run a comprehensive report and see criminal, property, and other public records for your unknown callers.

Public Records

Reverse Phone Lookup FAQs

Can I lookup any phone number with a reverse phone search?

As long as it's a complete U.S. phone number with area code, you should be able to search for it on PeopleFinders. That being said, not every phone number will necessarily have current ownership information or other public records associated with it. In that case, the phone number in question may not actually exist, or any public records for that phone number may not be available.

Why would I use a reverse phone lookup?

A reverse phone lookup can be useful in a variety of cases, such as:

  • Seeing who is behind an unknown number that's been calling or texting you.
  • Getting more information about that phone number owner, to see if they're a legitimate person or business, or if it's a possible scammer.
  • Looking up an old phone number to find someone's current contact information.
  • Making sure that a phone number you have saved for someone is still active and current.
  • Identifying unknown calls and reducing your risk to scams.
  • Reducing risks to your personal safety.
  • Verifying people you haven't met in person yet.
  • Re-establishing meaningful connections.

What is a Reverse Phone or Phone Number Lookup?

A phone number lookup is a feature that allows you to learn more about the owner of a phone number, such as their name, address, and any associated public records.

What Can I Find in a Reverse Phone Report?

PeopleFinder’s thorough reverse phone report contains information about the number, such as the owner’s name, address and any association with spam or fraudulent activities. You can use these valuable insights to uncover any red flags or warning signs that may not be obvious at first glance. A reverse phone report includes:

  • The owner's name (current, as well as any past owners)
  • The phone carrier, general location, and connection status
  • Phone type (mobile, landline, or VoIP)
  • The current owner's:
    • Current and Past Address
    • Email Addresses
    • Other Phone Numbers
    • Possible Relatives and Associates
    • Criminal Records
    • And more background information, as available

How Do I Avoid Scam and Spam Calls?

You can protect yourself from unwanted spam and potential fraud by using PeopleFinders reverse phone service to screen incoming calls. In a few seconds, you can see if the number has a history of scam calls or is not associated with who they claim to represent.

Can a reverse phone lookup show me text messages?

No, a reverse phone search cannot show you text messages sent or received by the owner of a phone number. Phone lookup services primarily rely on public records and other publicly available information to provide you with information about the owner of a phone number.

How reliable is a reverse phone lookup report?

PeopleFinders is a reputable and reliable reverse phone lookup service that uses a large and frequently updated database to provide accurate and up-to-date information about the owner of a phone number. PeopleFinders uses a variety of sources, including public records and other available information, to provide a comprehensive report.

How can I find out who a phone number belongs to for free?

Take advantage of the free trial period and experience the full capabilities of our reverse phone lookup service without any cost.

More on Reverse Phone Searches

For more information about reverse phone lookups and what you can do with them, be sure to check out:

See Who Called with a Reverse Phone Lookup

Reverse Phone Lookup - Find People by Phone Number (2024)


Is there a totally free reverse phone lookup? ›

For unlimited and free phone number lookup, you should download the Truecaller app to get access to call identification as well as automatic spam detection and blocking.

Is there a free site to look up someone's phone number? ›

Try for Free Phone Number Lookup Services

It provides an easy way to search through over 200 million records, providing both residential and business contact information. With, you can get the name, address, background information, and even a map of where the person lives.

Can Google look up a phone number for free? ›

Free results available for land line and mobile numbers. *Free Phone Number Lookup, Comments Looking for phone number info?

Does *67 still work? ›

Even with today's diverse range of communication devices, *67 still works on cell phones and landlines. No matter which device you use, whether an iPhone or Android, the code allows you to hide your phone numbers during calls. The process of using *67 is uniform across various devices.

How can I find someone by phone number without paying? ›

Here is how you can find a people by phone number for free:
  1. Using Free People Search Engines. ...
  2. Find People Using Google Search for Free. ...
  3. Find People on Social Media by Phone Number for Free. ...
  4. Check Public Records. ...
  5. Use Top 5 Paid People Search Websites.
Mar 30, 2024

How do I reverse lookup a phone number without paying? ›

These websites delve into a person's digital footprint, enabling users to uncover someone's details through their telephone number.
  1. Spokeo. Spokeo is the perfect platform for performing a reverse cell phone search. ...
  2. PeopleLooker. ...
  3. Intelius. ...
  4. Social Catfish.
Mar 6, 2024

How do I find out who owns a phone number? ›

You can find the owner of the phone number by searching Google, Reverse Phone Lookup, different websites, and social media sites. Tools and websites like Truecaller, SpyDialer, Whitepages, Spokeo, Intellius, and Social Catfish can also help locate the owner of phone numbers.

How can I find out who this phone number belongs to? ›

There are a few different ways to do this:
  1. Use a reverse phone lookup service. There are many websites and apps that offer reverse phone lookup services. ...
  2. Search social media. Many people list their phone numbers on their social media profiles. ...
  3. Google search. ...
  4. Contact the phone company.
Oct 2, 2023

Is there a free app to look up cell phone numbers? ›

Number Finder will provide you with unlimited free reverse phone lookup and caller id look up. If you'd like to investigate further you can purchase credits to make premium reverse phone number lookups.

What does *82 do on a cell phone? ›

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. This Vertical Service Code, *82, enables calling line identification regardless of subscriber preference, dialed to unblock withheld numbers (private callers) in the U.S. on a per-call basis.

What happens if you dial *#31? ›

Hide Your Phone From Caller ID: #31#

I could only get this to work on Android. But entering this code prompted a pop-up stating that my Caller ID had been disabled. In order to re-instate Caller ID, enter *31# .

What happens when you dial * 57? ›

Solution. Call trace allows you to dial the code *57 to trace the phone number of a call that was received. This service is used to trace harassing calls which warrant law enforcement or legal action. If you do not intend to take legal action, then an alternative is to use Call Return with *69.

Is there a free way to lookup a phone number in GreatPeopleSearch? ›

GreatPeopleSearch is a user-friendly free reverse phone number lookup site that provides searchers with fast and accurate results. It draws on publicly available national, county, state and municipal records to get the data you want in your search results.

How to find out who called you for free? ›

Let's dive into an overview of the top five platforms to help you find out who's behind that unknown call:
  1. Spokeo: Comprehensive reverse phone searches.
  2. CocoFinder: Free reverse phone lookup for precise info.
  3. NumLooker: Well-known reverse phone lookup platform.
  4. PeopleFinderFree: Swift and effective reverse phone search.
Apr 4, 2024

Is CocoFinder free? ›

I'll walk you through some top-notch platforms that offer this service at no cost, ensuring you get the information you need hassle-free. 1. CocoFinder: Top of the number is CocoFinder, a powerful online tool known for its accuracy and extensive database.

Can I find the owner of a phone number for free? ›

You can find the owner of the phone number by searching Google, Reverse Phone Lookup, different websites, and social media sites. Tools and websites like Truecaller, SpyDialer, Whitepages, Spokeo, Intellius, and Social Catfish can also help locate the owner of phone numbers.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 6288

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.