MAHENDRANATHREDDY NARPALA on LinkedIn: #cybersecurity #bruteforce #burpsuite #websecurity #infosec #ethicalhacking (2024)


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🔓 Day 7: Diving Deep into Brute Force Attacks with Burp Suite – A Real-World Case Study 🔓Under the expert guidance of Manoj Kumar Koravangi sir, I recently undertook a hands-on project involving brute force attacks using Burp Suite. I applied these techniques to the website, gaining real-world insights into how attackers target login systems.🚀 What I Did:▶Real-World Application: Conducted a brute force attack on a live e-commerce site to simulate how attackers systematically test login credentials until they find the correct combination.▶Success: Using Burp Suite, I was able to crack the email and password combination for the site, demonstrating the effectiveness of brute force techniques against weak security measures.🔍 Key Takeaways:▶Understanding Vulnerabilities: This exercise reinforced the importance of strong password policies and multi-factor authentication in protecting against brute force attacks.▶Hands-On Learning: Engaging with a live website allowed me to witness first-hand how critical it is to secure login systems against these types of attacks.Check out the photos below for a glimpse into my process and results. Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to advance my skills in cybersecurity. 💻🔒#CyberSecurity #BruteForce #BurpSuite #WebSecurity #InfoSec #EthicalHacking

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    🌟 Exciting New Chapter Ahead: SOC Analyst Internship at CFSS 🌟I am thrilled to share that I've been selected for the SOC Analyst Intern position at CFSS - Cyber & Forensics Security Solutions! 🙌Under the expert guidance of Karan Yash Das and S.C. Panday, I’ll be embarking on a 30-day intensive learning journey from August 16, 2024, to September 15, 2024. This opportunity will allow me to:🔍 Gain hands-on experience in SOC Analysis, a critical component of cybersecurity.🚀 Develop my technical expertise in identifying, analyzing, and mitigating cyber threats.📚 Expand my knowledge and understanding of cyber forensics and security solutions.I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait to contribute, learn, and grow with the CFSS team. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey—I’m excited for what’s to come! 🌐💻Let’s get started! 💪#CyberSecurity #SOCAnalyst #Internship #CFSS #CareerGrowth #CyberForensics #LearningJourney #StartUpIndia #NewBeginnings

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    🔐Day 6 :🛡️ The Dual Nature of Web Technologies in Cybersecurity – The Good & The Bad! 🛡️Under the expert guidance of Manoj Kumar Koravangi sir, I've embarked on an insightful journey into the world of web technologies and cybersecurity. Today, I’m excited to delve into how these technologies impact cybersecurity:🔐 The Good:Data Protection & Privacy: Secure protocols like HTTPS and encryption methods safeguard our online data, ensuring it remains confidential. 🌐🔒Authentication: Robust systems like multi-factor authentication (MFA) verify user identities, preventing unauthorized access. 🔑✅Threat Detection: Tools such as web application firewalls (WAF) and real-time monitoring systems detect and mitigate potential threats, protecting our digital environment. 🛡️🖥️⚠️ The Bad:Fake Websites: Attackers can create convincing fake sites that closely mimic legitimate ones, tricking users into entering their credentials. 👤⚠️Phishing Emails: Deceptive emails direct users to these fake sites, leading to credential theft and unauthorized access. 📧🔗🛠️ My Recent Exploration:I recently installed and explored ZPhisher, a tool for demonstrating phishing attacks. Here’s a quick guide on setting it up:1.Clone the repository from GitHub: git clone to the ZPhisher directory: cd ZPhisher3.Make the script executable: chmod +x zphisher.sh4.Run ZPhisher: ./zphisher.shThis tool highlights how attackers exploit web technologies, underscoring the importance of understanding both strengths and vulnerabilities to better defend against these threats. 🌍💻github link: #WebTechnologies #Phishing #DataProtection #InfoSec #WebSecurity #ZPhisher

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    🔐 Day 5: Crafting Dynamic Web Applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 🌐Under the expert guidance of Manoj Kumar Koravangi sir, I've embarked on an exciting journey into the world of web development, and today, I’m thrilled to showcase two of my latest projects:🔐 Login and Signup Page:▶ Elegant Interface: Designed a sleek and responsive user interface with HTML and CSS.▶ Smart Validation: Implemented real-time form validation using JavaScript, elevating both security and user experience.📸 Instagram Clone:▶ Pixel-Perfect Design: Meticulously recreated the iconic Instagram layout using pure CSS, achieving a visually stunning and responsive design.▶ Interactive Features: Brought the clone to life with JavaScript, enabling functionalities like image uploads, commenting, and liking posts.This approach has greatly improved my HTML and CSS skills, while also deepening my understanding of software functionality, which is essential for honing my hacking abilities and also help me how hackers do phishing on real-time websites. 🚀💻#WebDevelopment #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Frontend #WebDesign #Cybersecurity #PenetrationTesting

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    🔐 Day 4: Strengthening Web Application Security with OWASP Top 10 🌐 Under the expert guidance of Manoj Kumar Koravangi sir, today I dove into the fascinating world of web application security by tackling the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. Here’s how the process and approach the vulnerabilities:1️⃣ Injection Attacks: Utilized SQLMap to detect and prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities, ensuring that unauthorized SQL commands can't compromise the database.2️⃣ Broken Authentication: Strengthened login mechanisms with Burp Suite, securing the authentication process and safeguarding user identities.3️⃣ Sensitive Data Exposure: Addressed the risk of exposing sensitive information by using OWASP ZAP to identify and protect against insecure data handling practices.4️⃣ XML External Entities (XXE): Tested the application’s XML processing with Burp Suite to prevent potential XXE attacks and secure data from unauthorized access.5️⃣ Broken Access Control: Ensured proper user permissions by securing broken access controls using OWASP ZAP, preventing unauthorized actions.6️⃣ Security Misconfiguration: Scanned for and fixed misconfigurations using Nmap, identifying open ports and unnecessary services that could expose vulnerabilities.7️⃣ Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Exploited and patched XSS vulnerabilities with BeEF, ensuring that malicious scripts can't hijack user sessions.8️⃣ Insecure Deserialization: Detected insecure deserialization vulnerabilities using Burp Suite, preventing remote code execution risks.9️⃣ Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities: Managed and updated all libraries using Retire.js, ensuring that no outdated components could be exploited.🔟 Insufficient Logging and Monitoring: Enhanced security monitoring and logging with Splunk, providing real-time detection and response to security incidents.#Cybersecurity #OWASP #WebSecurity #PenetrationTesting #DVWA #KaliLinux


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    🔐 Day 3: Installing Kali Linux, Parrot OS, and Setting Up the DVWA Lab 🖥️Under the expert guidance of Manoj Kumar Koravangi sir, today was all about diving deeper into cybersecurity by setting up the tools and environments that are crucial for practical learning.🚀 Here’s what I accomplished:▶ Installing Kali Linux and Parrot OS: I successfully installed both Kali Linux and Parrot OS, which are two of the most widely used distributions in the cybersecurity field. Each distribution has its unique strengths:Kali Linux: Known for its wide array of penetration testing tools.Parrot OS: Offers a lighter, more privacy-focused environment.▶ Setting Up the DVWA Lab: I also set up the Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) lab, which is an intentionally vulnerable web application for testing web application security tools and practicing techniques like SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and more. This lab environment is perfect for safely practicing and honing my skills.GitHub link : #Linux #KaliLinux #ParrotOS #DVWA #PenetrationTesting #WebSecurity

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    🔐 Day2 :Exploring Network Security with Kali Linux: Open VPN, Packet Capture using wire shark , and Nmap 🌐Under the expert guidance of Manoj Kumar Koravangi sir, today I dove into the fascinating world of network security:▶ Installed Open VPN: Setting up Open VPN on Kali Linux allowed me to establish secure connections and explore encrypted traffic flows. This setup is crucial for understanding how VPNs protect data in transit and the various protocols involved.▶ Captured TCP/UDP Packets: Using tools like Wireshark, I captured and analyzed network traffic to understand the differences between TCP and UDP protocols. This hands-on experience helped me visualize how data packets are structured and transmitted across networks.▶ Checked Ports Using Nmap: On another virtual machine, I used Nmap to perform a port scan against the IP address of my Kali Linux machine. This process allowed me to identify open ports and understand potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackersThe below are the related works on network security using Kali Linux tools#cybersecurity #Networksecurity #Openvpn #Tcp #Udp #WIreshark

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    🔐 Day 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking in Cybersecurity 🔐🔹 What is Ethical Hacking?Ethical hacking, or white hat hacking, involves authorized testing of networks, systems, applications, and devices to uncover and fix security vulnerabilities. By proactively identifying and addressing weaknesses, ethical hackers strengthen security and prevent malicious exploitation.🔹 Real-World Example:Imagine a company hiring an ethical hacker to conduct a penetration test. The ethical hacker discovers potential vulnerabilities, offers detailed recommendations, and assists with implementing fixes, thereby enhancing the organization's overall security posture.🔹 Steps Followed by Hackers:1.Information Gathering & Reconnaissance:Collect and analyze information about the target to identify potential entry points.2.Vulnerability Analysis:Assess the collected data to detect security weaknesses.3.Penetration Testing & Gaining Access:Exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to systems.4.Privilege Escalation & Maintaining Access:Elevate access privileges and establish persistent access.5.Clearing Traces (Black Hat):Erase evidence of malicious activities to avoid detection.🔹 Essential Tools for Ethical Hacking:Nmap: For network discovery and vulnerability scanning.Wireshark: For capturing and analyzing network traffic.Metasploit: For exploiting known vulnerabilities and testing system security.Burp Suite: For security testing of web applications.John the Ripper: For password cracking and testing password strength.Nessus: For comprehensive vulnerability scanning and assessment.#EthicalHacking #Cybersecurity #PenetrationTesting

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    I am thrilled to share my ID card for completing the Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Specialization from SkillUprise. This course has equipped me with comprehensive skills in ethical hacking and cybersecurity, preparing me to tackle modern cyber threats effectively.Grateful for the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and looking forward to applying these skills in my professional journey.#EthicalHacking #CyberSecurity Skills UpriseAwetecks Manoj Kumar Koravangi

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    View my verified achievement from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Data Analytics was issued by Amazon Web Services Training and Certification to NARPALA MAHENDRA NATH REDDY.
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MAHENDRANATHREDDY NARPALA on LinkedIn: #cybersecurity #bruteforce #burpsuite #websecurity #infosec #ethicalhacking (2024)
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