How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (2024)

When you have UniFi devices, like access points, you will need to use a controller. Ubiquiti offers different consoles for this, like the UDM Pro or CloudKey Gen2, but you don’t have to use these. You can also install your own UniFi Controller in the cloud.

The advantage of a cloud controller is that it allows you to scale your UniFi network beyond the limitations of the console devices. A controller in the cloud also allows you to easily connect multiple sites to a single controller.

In this article, I am going to explain how to install your own UniFi Cloud Controller step-by-step.


We are going to install the controller in the cloud, which means that we will install it on a hosted server, a VPS. The sizes of the VPS really depend on the number of devices and clients that you have, but the advantage of a VPS is that you can easily scale it up when needed.

The UniFi controller requires a minimum of 1 GB of memory, which is fine for a home network or small business. But when you intend to use the controller for more than 50 devices you should use at least 2GB of memory.

For this article, I am going to use Vultr, which offers great high-performance virtual machines for a good price.


If you don’t want to install and manage your own server, then HostiFi is a great alternative. Read more about them in this article.

Installing Unifi Controller in the Cloud

In the steps below we are going to use Vultr, make sure that you have created an account and set up the billing for your account.

Step 1 – Install the Vultr VPS

The first step is to create a new virtual server. Log in to your Vultr account, open Products, and click on Deploy Server. We will now need to configure our server:

Choose server: Cloud Compute
CPU & Storage Technology: Intel Regular Performance
Server location: Choose a location near your
Server image: Debian 11 x64
Server size: $5/month – 1vCPU / 1GB Memory
Auto backup: Enable Auto Backup (not necessary, but highly recommended)
Additional Features: Disable IPv6

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (1)

The last step is to add SSH keys and a server name. Both are important, the SSH key is required to safely connect to the server. And the hostname needs to be an FQDN, for example,, which is publicly accessible. This is needed to create a free SSL certificate later and it also allows you to easily migrate your controller.

SSH Keys

SSH keys are used to create a secure connection between your computer and the server. In this step, we are going to upload the SSH key of your computer. If you haven’t used SSH keys before, then use this guide to create a key.

  1. Click Add new SSH Keys on the Vultr page
  2. Enter the name of your computer (this way you can easily identify it later on)
  3. Click Windows key + R and type: %username%\.ssh\ <enter>
  4. Copy the contents of to the SSH key field
  5. Click Add SSH Key
How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (2)

The SSH key will now be listed on the server configuration screen. Make sure that you select it!

Server Hostname & Label

The last step is to give your server a hostname. For this, you can use a subdomain of your domain. After we have deployed the server, we will know the public IP Address of the server and create the DNS records for it.

Enter the hostname, for example,, make sure that the SSH Key is selected, and click on Deploy now

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (3)

It will take a couple of minutes to install the server. Great time to get a coffee before we continue.

Step 2 – DNS and Connecting to the Server

The first thing we are going to do is configure the DNS record. DNS changes always take some time to process, and we will need it to be alive later on to configure the SSL Certificate.

When the status of the server changes to Running, we can view the public IP Address, and copy the IP Address of the server.

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (4)

Go to your DNS provider (I will be using Cloudflare) and create a new A record. Give the record the same name as the server and paste the IP Address in the Value field and save the record.

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (5)

Connecting to the server

Next, we are going to connect to the server. For now, we will be using the IP Address because the DNS record takes some time to propagate.

We are using the SSH key for connecting to the server, but if you don’t want to use it, then you can look up the password of the server. In Vultr, open your server, by clicking on it. In the Overview tab, you will see the password field.

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (6)

To connect to the server you can either use Putty or Windows Terminal. To use Putty in combination with the SSH key we will first need to create a Private Key File. When you install Putty you also get the program Putty Key Generators (open start and search for puttygen)

  1. Open Putty Key Generator
  2. Click Load and change the file type to all files types in the lower right corner
  3. Select your id_rsa file and click Open
  4. Click save private key
How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (7)

Next open Putty and enter the IP Address of your server in the hostname field.

  1. Enter the IP Address of your server
  2. Expand SSH and click on Auth
  3. Click Browse and select your newly created Private Key File. (.pkk)
  4. Click Save to store to connection
  5. You can now open the connection
How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (8)

When using Windows Terminal, type:

# Replace the IP Address with the IP of your serverssh root@

Click yes to allow the SSH key

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (9)

Step 3 – Securing the Server

It’s important to secure your server properly so attackers don’t gain access to your server and UniFi devices. We are going to take a couple of steps here:

  • Allow SSH access only from your public IP Address
  • Only allow SSH Key access
  • Limit login attempts

Even though we can only access the server with our Private SSH key, it’s still a good idea to only allows access to your server from your public IP Address. For the firewall, we will be using UFW, which is installed by default on Debian 11.

Look up your public IP Address and type the following command to allow only SSH access from your network:

ufw allow from to any port 22

Next, we need to remove the default rules that allows SSH access from any location:

# Get an overview of all firewall rulesufw status numbered# ResultStatus: active To Action From -- ------ ----[ 1] 22 ALLOW IN Anywhere[ 2] 22 ALLOW IN[ 3] 22 (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6)

We are going to remove rules number 1 and 3, these allow SSH access from any location:

# type ufw delete followed by the correct line number:ufw delete 1# resultDeleting: allow 22Proceed with operation (y|n)? yRule deleted

We will add the ports for UniFi later on.

Change SSH Configuration

We need to make sure that you can only log in over SSH with an SSH key. For this, we are going to change the SSH configuration file

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change the following line:

PermitRootLogin Yes # change it from yes to without-password# Enable the following line by removing the #PubkeyAuthentication yes # Change password authentication to no, at the end of the file PasswordAuthentication no

Press Ctrl + X and type Y <enter> to save and close the file.

Restart the SSHD service with:

sudo service sshd restart

Limit login attempts

The last step, for now, is to install fail2ban. This tool will monitor your log files and automatically block any bad IP Address that tries to log in to your server.

# Install fail2ban, type Y to install the packagessudo apt install fail2ban

The default configuration of fail2ban is enough for our situation, so we don’t need to configure anything on it.

There are more security steps that you can do, like changing the root pass, creating your own “admin/root” account, and changing the default SSH port number. Security is all about adding layers of protection, but for now, this is more than good enough. We have limited access to the server to our public IP Address and is only accessible with our private SSH key.

Step 4 – Configure server and Installing required components

There are a couple of components/packages required before we can install the UniFi controller. Some of these packages are not only required for UniFi but will also help us maintain the server.

First, we are going to make sure that the server is up-to-date and cleanup unused and any old software:

# Update the serversudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean

Security updates need to be installed as soon as possible. Personally, I don’t want to log in every week on a server just to install the updates, so we are going to install the package unattended-upgrades.

sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades apt-listchanges

Active the package with:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades# Click Yes

Set the correct timezone

Having an incorrect timezone can really be a pain in the… The time in your log files won’t match your current time, and also in UniFi, you will see that the time is off. So we need to configure the correct timezone with:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (10)

Install haveged

Just like with the Raspberry Pi configuration we are going to install the package Haveged. This package will help with speeding up the startup of the UniFi Controller.

sudo apt-get install haveged -y

Install Java (OpenJDK-8)

The UniFi controller needs Java 8 to run, so we are going to install OpenJDK 8. Now this package isn’t available anymore for Debian 11, so we first need to add a different repository to the server.

# Install the necessary packages apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https gnupg# Download the GPG key:wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -# Add the repositoryecho "deb buster main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptopenjdk.list# Install Java 8sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot

Step 5 – Install the UniFi Controller

So we can finally install the UniFi Controller for our cloud server. Also for UniFi, we will need to add a repository first, so we can download and install it with APT.

# Add the repositoryecho 'deb stable ubiquiti' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list# Authenticate the repositorysudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/unifi-repo.gpg

The latest version of MongoDB isn’t supported by the UniFi Controller. To prevent any error during the installation we are going to change the repository for MongoDB to version 3.6:

echo "deb stretch/mongodb-org/3.6 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.6.listsudo wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

With the repositories added and authenticated, we can now install the UniFi controller on our VPS server:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install unifi -y

The last step is to automatically start all the required services when the server boots:

sudo systemctl enable unifi.servicesudo systemctl enable mongod.servicesudo systemctl enable haveged.service

Configure the Firewall for UniFi

Our UniFi Cloud Controller is now installed, but before we can use it we will need to configure the firewall. We will need to open the ports for the UniFi devices so they can communicate with the controller and we will need to have access to the controller GUI.

So first we will only allow access to the controller webpage from our public IP Address:

# Allow access to the controller webpage from your public IP Addressufw allow from to any port 8443

Next, we will need to open the STUN and UniFi inform port. You could open these for every location, or limit them based on the public IP Address where you are going to use the UniFi devices:

# Allow UniFi devices to communicate with the controller.ufw allow 3478/udp # STUN portufw allow 8080 # Inform port# Or limit them based on public IP Address# repeat the lines below for every public IP Addressufw allow from to any port 3478ufw allow from to any port 8080

Optional, if you are going to use the guest portal, then you will need to open ports 8880 and 8843 as well:

ufw allow 8880ufw allow 8843

Step 6 – Install the SSL Certificate

The advantage of running our own server on a public domain is that we can add an SSL certificate to it. This way we won’t have the annoying warning anymore when we open the controller.

We will be using Let’s Encrypt, which will generate a free SSL cert for you. Make sure that the domain name is active and point to your new server.

# Install Certbotsudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache -y

To use certbot we will open the required ports in our firewall. Open ports 80 and 443 with UFW:

ufw allow 80ufw allow 443

After we have installed certbot we can request our certificate:

certbot --apache -d Enter an email address when requested, so you can receive alerts# Agree to the terms

Now we need to configure the UniFi controller to use our certificate. Steve Jenkinshas created an import script that makes this a lot easier to do, so we are going to use this script. Download the script with the following cmd:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/

We need to make the script executable by giving it the correct permissions:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Next, we need to configure the script. Open the script with:

sudo nano -w /usr/local/bin/

And change the following lines:

Add your Uncomment following three lines for Fedora/RedHat/CentOS#UNIFI_DIR=/opt/UniFi#JAVA_DIR=${UNIFI_DIR}#KEYSTORE=${UNIFI_DIR}/data/keystore# Uncomment following three lines for Debian/UbuntuUNIFI_DIR=/var/lib/unifiJAVA_DIR=/usr/lib/unifiKEYSTORE=${UNIFI_DIR}/keystore# Uncomment the following lineLE_MODE=true

Save and close the file with CTRL + X and press Y <enter>

Run the script with:


When we now open our UniFi Cloud Controller we won’t get the security warning anymore, but instead, we have a valid SSL certificate!

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (11)

Step 7 – Configure your UniFi Network Application

With our network controller running we can start with configuring our UniFi network application. If you already have a controller you could also restore a backup if you want. Just follow the wizard for the initial configuration.

We can skip adding devices, for now, just click next.

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (12)

In step 5 of the wizard, you can set up your WiFi network, but again we can also do that later.

I won’t go into detail on how to configure your UniFi controller, you can read more about that in this article.

Step 8 – Connecting your UniFi devices to the Cloud Controller

So we have our UniFi Cloud Controller running, but how do we connect our UniFi devices to it? In a normal network environment, you could just connect the device to the network, and it will discover the controller automatically.

There are two ways to do this, if you have a large environment with a DNS server, then you can create a local DNS record, the other option is to set the inform address manually in the device. By default, the devices will try to connect to http://unifi:8080/inform. So you could create a DNS record in your local network, named unifi and point it to the public IP Address or FQDN of your Cloud Controller.

Using Set-Inform

The other option is to use the set-inform command on the UniFi device. This requires for you to log on to every device to set the correct address to the UniFi Cloud Controller. Connect your UniFi device, and look up the IP Address ( a great free tool for that is Advanced IP Scanner)

I am using Windows Terminal, but you can also use Putty for this:

# SSH into the UniFi device# Replace the IP Address with the IP of your UniFi devicessh ubnt@ ubnt# Set the inform address to the public IP address of your UniFi Cloud Controllerset-inform

If you now open your UniFi Cloud Controller you will see the access point ready for adoption:

How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (13)

Optimizing your UniFi Cloud Controller

When you plan to use the UniFi Cloud Controller for a high number of devices, you will need to only increase the memory on your VPS, but also optimize the configuration file of the controller. By default, the controller is configured to run with a maximum of 1GB of memory.

So the first step is to increase the memory on your VPS. In Vultr, you can just go to your VPS > Settings and select Change Plan. After you have increased the RAM on your VPS, you will need to edit the configuration file (

You can find this file file in the following folder on Linux:


To change the file we will need to make an SSH connection to our server and open the file:

# Make an SSH Connection to your server:ssh root@ Stop the Unifi serviceservice unifi stop# Open the system.propeties filesnano /usr/lib/unifi/data/

The first step is to increase the amount of memory that Java can use, add or increase the following lines to 2GB:

# default value is 1024 (1GB)unifi.xmx=2048unifi.xms=2048

If you have allocated more than 4GB to Java (XMX), then you also need to increase the Mongo WiredTiger cache. The best option is to set it to auto mode:


If you are still experiencing a slow network controller, then make sure you check out this article from Ubiquiti with more tips to fine-tune your UniFi Cloud Controller.

Wrapping Up

When creating your own UniFi Cloud Controller it’s important to secure your server properly. Limit access to the controller to only your public IP Addresses, make sure that you use an UniFI Cloud account, so you can use the 2FA authentication.

In the article, I have worked under the root account. A better practice is to create a new user account with sudo privilege and disable the root account:

adduser lazyadminusermod -aG sudo lazyadmin# Disable Root login in SSHD confsudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Instead of creating your own server, you could also take a look at the services of HostiFy for example. They offer great UniFi controllers in the cloud, completely managed by them.

I hope you found this article useful, if you have any questions, suggestions, or tips, just drop a comment below.


How to Install your own UniFi Cloud Controller — LazyAdmin (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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