Geographic Question Answering (2024)

Move Beyond Triples: Contextual Knowledge Graph Representation and Reasoning

Jun 17, 2024

Chengjin Xu, Muzhi Li, Cehao Yang, Xuhui Jiang, Lumingyuan Tang, Yiyan Qi, Jian Guo

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are foundational structures in many AI applications, representing entities and their interrelations through triples. However, triple-based KGs lack the contextual information of relational knowledge, like temporal dynamics and provenance details, which are crucial for comprehensive knowledge representation and effective reasoning. Instead, \textbf{Contextual Knowledge Graphs} (CKGs) expand upon the conventional structure by incorporating additional information such as time validity, geographic location, and source provenance. This integration provides a more nuanced and accurate understanding of knowledge, enabling KGs to offer richer insights and support more sophisticated reasoning processes. In this work, we first discuss the inherent limitations of triple-based KGs and introduce the concept of contextual KGs, highlighting their advantages in knowledge representation and reasoning. We then present \textbf{KGR$^3$, a context-enriched KG reasoning paradigm} that leverages large language models (LLMs) to retrieve candidate entities and related contexts, rank them based on the retrieved information, and reason whether sufficient information has been obtained to answer a query. Our experimental results demonstrate that KGR$^3$ significantly improves performance on KG completion (KGC) and KG question answering (KGQA) tasks, validating the effectiveness of incorporating contextual information on KG representation and reasoning.

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Vision-Language Models Meet Meteorology: Developing Models for Extreme Weather Events Detection with Heatmaps

Jun 14, 2024

Jian Chen, Peilin Zhou, Yining Hua, Dading Chong, Meng Cao, Yaowei Li, Zixuan Yuan, Bing Zhu, Junwei Liang

Real-time detection and prediction of extreme weather protect human lives and infrastructure. Traditional methods rely on numerical threshold setting and manual interpretation of weather heatmaps with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which can be slow and error-prone. Our research redefines Extreme Weather Events Detection (EWED) by framing it as a Visual Question Answering (VQA) problem, thereby introducing a more precise and automated solution. Leveraging Vision-Language Models (VLM) to simultaneously process visual and textual data, we offer an effective aid to enhance the analysis process of weather heatmaps. Our initial assessment of general-purpose VLMs (e.g., GPT-4-Vision) on EWED revealed poor performance, characterized by low accuracy and frequent hallucinations due to inadequate color differentiation and insufficient meteorological knowledge. To address these challenges, we introduce ClimateIQA, the first meteorological VQA dataset, which includes 8,760 wind gust heatmaps and 254,040 question-answer pairs covering four question types, both generated from the latest climate reanalysis data. We also propose Sparse Position and Outline Tracking (SPOT), an innovative technique that leverages OpenCV and K-Means clustering to capture and depict color contours in heatmaps, providing ClimateIQA with more accurate color spatial location information. Finally, we present Climate-Zoo, the first meteorological VLM collection, which adapts VLMs to meteorological applications using the ClimateIQA dataset. Experiment results demonstrate that models from Climate-Zoo substantially outperform state-of-the-art general VLMs, achieving an accuracy increase from 0% to over 90% in EWED verification. The datasets and models in this study are publicly available for future climate science research:

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Do LLMs Find Human Answers To Fact-Driven Questions Perplexing? A Case Study on Reddit

Apr 01, 2024

Parker Seegmiller, Joseph Gatto, Omar Sharif, Madhusudan Basak, Sarah Masud Preum

Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be proficient in correctly answering questions in the context of online discourse. However, the study of using LLMs to model human-like answers to fact-driven social media questions is still under-explored. In this work, we investigate how LLMs model the wide variety of human answers to fact-driven questions posed on several topic-specific Reddit communities, or subreddits. We collect and release a dataset of 409 fact-driven questions and 7,534 diverse, human-rated answers from 15 r/Ask{Topic} communities across 3 categories: profession, social identity, and geographic location. We find that LLMs are considerably better at modeling highly-rated human answers to such questions, as opposed to poorly-rated human answers. We present several directions for future research based on our initial findings.

* 4 pages, 2 figures

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Visual Hallucination: Definition, Quantification, and Prescriptive Remediations

Mar 31, 2024

Anku Rani, Vipula Rawte, Harshad Sharma, Neeraj Anand, Krishnav Rajbangshi, Amit Sheth, Amitava Das

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The troubling rise of hallucination presents perhaps the most significant impediment to the advancement of responsible AI. In recent times, considerable research has focused on detecting and mitigating hallucination in Large Language Models (LLMs). However, it's worth noting that hallucination is also quite prevalent in Vision-Language models (VLMs). In this paper, we offer a fine-grained discourse on profiling VLM hallucination based on two tasks: i) image captioning, and ii) Visual Question Answering (VQA). We delineate eight fine-grained orientations of visual hallucination: i) Contextual Guessing, ii) Identity Incongruity, iii) Geographical Erratum, iv) Visual Illusion, v) Gender Anomaly, vi) VLM as Classifier, vii) Wrong Reading, and viii) Numeric Discrepancy. We curate Visual HallucInation eLiciTation (VHILT), a publicly available dataset comprising 2,000 samples generated using eight VLMs across two tasks of captioning and VQA along with human annotations for the categories as mentioned earlier.

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RAG vs Fine-tuning: Pipelines, Tradeoffs, and a Case Study on Agriculture

Jan 30, 2024

Angels Balaguer, Vinamra Benara, Renato Luiz de Freitas Cunha, Roberto de M. Estevão Filho, Todd Hendry, Daniel Holstein, Jennifer Marsman, Nick Mecklenburg, Sara Malvar, Leonardo O. Nunes(+6 more)

There are two common ways in which developers are incorporating proprietary and domain-specific data when building applications of Large Language Models (LLMs): Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and Fine-Tuning. RAG augments the prompt with the external data, while fine-Tuning incorporates the additional knowledge into the model itself. However, the pros and cons of both approaches are not well understood. In this paper, we propose a pipeline for fine-tuning and RAG, and present the tradeoffs of both for multiple popular LLMs, including Llama2-13B, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4. Our pipeline consists of multiple stages, including extracting information from PDFs, generating questions and answers, using them for fine-tuning, and leveraging GPT-4 for evaluating the results. We propose metrics to assess the performance of different stages of the RAG and fine-Tuning pipeline. We conduct an in-depth study on an agricultural dataset. Agriculture as an industry has not seen much penetration of AI, and we study a potentially disruptive application - what if we could provide location-specific insights to a farmer? Our results show the effectiveness of our dataset generation pipeline in capturing geographic-specific knowledge, and the quantitative and qualitative benefits of RAG and fine-tuning. We see an accuracy increase of over 6 p.p. when fine-tuning the model and this is cumulative with RAG, which increases accuracy by 5 p.p. further. In one particular experiment, we also demonstrate that the fine-tuned model leverages information from across geographies to answer specific questions, increasing answer similarity from 47% to 72%. Overall, the results point to how systems built using LLMs can be adapted to respond and incorporate knowledge across a dimension that is critical for a specific industry, paving the way for further applications of LLMs in other industrial domains.

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On the Promises and Challenges of Multimodal Foundation Models for Geographical, Environmental, Agricultural, and Urban Planning Applications

Dec 23, 2023

Chenjiao Tan, Qian Cao, Yiwei Li, Jielu Zhang, Xiao Yang, Huaqin Zhao, Zihao Wu, Zhengliang Liu, Hao Yang, Nemin Wu(+8 more)

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The advent of large language models (LLMs) has heightened interest in their potential for multimodal applications that integrate language and vision. This paper explores the capabilities of GPT-4V in the realms of geography, environmental science, agriculture, and urban planning by evaluating its performance across a variety of tasks. Data sources comprise satellite imagery, aerial photos, ground-level images, field images, and public datasets. The model is evaluated on a series of tasks including geo-localization, textual data extraction from maps, remote sensing image classification, visual question answering, crop type identification, disease/pest/weed recognition, chicken behavior analysis, agricultural object counting, urban planning knowledge question answering, and plan generation. The results indicate the potential of GPT-4V in geo-localization, land cover classification, visual question answering, and basic image understanding. However, there are limitations in several tasks requiring fine-grained recognition and precise counting. While zero-shot learning shows promise, performance varies across problem domains and image complexities. The work provides novel insights into GPT-4V's capabilities and limitations for real-world geospatial, environmental, agricultural, and urban planning challenges. Further research should focus on augmenting the model's knowledge and reasoning for specialized domains through expanded training. Overall, the analysis demonstrates foundational multimodal intelligence, highlighting the potential of multimodal foundation models (FMs) to advance interdisciplinary applications at the nexus of computer vision and language.

* 110 Pages; 61 Figures

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Building Privacy-Preserving and Secure Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Foundation Models

Oct 12, 2023

Jinmeng Rao, Song Gao, Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz

In recent years we have seen substantial advances in foundation models for artificial intelligence, including language, vision, and multimodal models. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of using foundation models in geospatial artificial intelligence, known as GeoAI Foundation Models, for geographic question answering, remote sensing image understanding, map generation, and location-based services, among others. However, the development and application of GeoAI foundation models can pose serious privacy and security risks, which have not been fully discussed or addressed to date. This paper introduces the potential privacy and security risks throughout the lifecycle of GeoAI foundation models and proposes a comprehensive blueprint for research directions and preventative and control strategies. Through this vision paper, we hope to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers in geospatial domains to these privacy and security risks inherent in GeoAI foundation models and advocate for the development of privacy-preserving and secure GeoAI foundation models.

* 1 figure

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Twitter Permeability to financial events: an experiment towards a model for sensing irregularities

Dec 14, 2023

Ana Fernández Vilas, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo, Keeley Crockett, Majdi Owda, Lewis Evans

There is a general consensus of the good sensing and novelty characteristics of Twitter as an information media for the complex financial market. This paper investigates the permeability of Twittersphere, the total universe of Twitter users and their habits, towards relevant events in the financial market. Analysis shows that a general purpose social media is permeable to financial-specific events and establishes Twitter as a relevant feeder for taking decisions regarding the financial market and event fraudulent activities in that market. However, the provenance of contributions, their different levels of credibility and quality and even the purpose or intention behind them should to be considered and carefully contemplated if Twitter is used as a single source for decision taking. With the overall aim of this research, to deploy an architecture for real-time monitoring of irregularities in the financial market, this paper conducts a series of experiments on the level of permeability and the permeable features of Twitter in the event of one of these irregularities. To be precise, Twitter data is collected concerning an event comprising of a specific financial action on the 27th January 2017:{~ }the announcement about the merge of two companies Tesco PLC and Booker Group PLC, listed in the main market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE), to create the UK's Leading Food Business. The experiment attempts to answer five key research questions which aim to characterize the features of Twitter permeability to the financial market. The experimental results confirm that a far-impacting financial event, such as the merger considered, caused apparent disturbances in all the features considered, that is, information volume, content and sentiment as well as geographical provenance. Analysis shows that despite, Twitter not being a specific financial forum, it is permeable to financial events.

* Multimed Tools Appl 78, 2019

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The curse of language biases in remote sensing VQA: the role of spatial attributes, language diversity, and the need for clear evaluation

Nov 28, 2023

Christel Chappuis, Eliot Walt, Vincent Mendez, Sylvain Lobry, Bertrand Le Saux, Devis Tuia

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Remote sensing visual question answering (RSVQA) opens new opportunities for the use of overhead imagery by the general public, by enabling human-machine interaction with natural language. Building on the recent advances in natural language processing and computer vision, the goal of RSVQA is to answer a question formulated in natural language about a remote sensing image. Language understanding is essential to the success of the task, but has not yet been thoroughly examined in RSVQA. In particular, the problem of language biases is often overlooked in the remote sensing community, which can impact model robustness and lead to wrong conclusions about the performances of the model. Thus, the present work aims at highlighting the problem of language biases in RSVQA with a threefold analysis strategy: visual blind models, adversarial testing and dataset analysis. This analysis focuses both on model and data. Moreover, we motivate the use of more informative and complementary evaluation metrics sensitive to the issue. The gravity of language biases in RSVQA is then exposed for all of these methods with the training of models discarding the image data and the manipulation of the visual input during inference. Finally, a detailed analysis of question-answer distribution demonstrates the root of the problem in the data itself. Thanks to this analytical study, we observed that biases in remote sensing are more severe than in standard VQA, likely due to the specifics of existing remote sensing datasets for the task, e.g. geographical similarities and sparsity, as well as a simpler vocabulary and question generation strategies. While new, improved and less-biased datasets appear as a necessity for the development of the promising field of RSVQA, we demonstrate that more informed, relative evaluation metrics remain much needed to transparently communicate results of future RSVQA methods.

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How good are Large Language Models on African Languages?

Nov 14, 2023

Jessica Ojo, Kelechi Ogueji, Pontus Stenetorp, David I. Adelani

Recent advancements in natural language processing have led to the proliferation of large language models (LLMs). These models have been shown to yield good performance, using in-context learning, even on unseen tasks and languages. Additionally, they have been widely adopted as language-model-as-a-service commercial APIs like GPT-4 API. However, their performance on African languages is largely unknown. We present an analysis of three popular large language models (mT0, LLaMa 2, and GPT-4) on five tasks (news topic classification, sentiment classification, machine translation, question answering, and named entity recognition) across 30 African languages, spanning different language families and geographical regions. Our results suggest that all LLMs produce below-par performance on African languages, and there is a large gap in performance compared to high-resource languages like English most tasks. We find that GPT-4 has an average or impressive performance on classification tasks but very poor results on generative tasks like machine translation. Surprisingly, we find that mT0 had the best overall on cross-lingual QA, better than the state-of-the-art supervised model (i.e. fine-tuned mT5) and GPT-4 on African languages. Overall, LLaMa 2 records the worst performance due to its limited multilingual capabilities and English-centric pre-training corpus. In general, our findings present a call-to-action to ensure African languages are well represented in large language models, given their growing popularity.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.