Game Boy Reviews C-J by The Video Game Critic (2024)


Grade: F

Publisher: Atari (1995)
Posted: 2018/5/20

Cooperative PlayExtreme disappointment

Centipede is one of the greatest arcade games of all time, but you'd never know from playing this Game Boy edition. This reminds me of one of those old LCD watch games with the pre-rendered black shapes blinking all over the place - not a pretty sight! The mushrooms look like letter T's littering the playing field and the animation is heinous.

In contrast to the quick trackball controls of the arcade, dragging your cannon around the screen feels slow and laggy. Perhaps to compensate for the lousy controls the collision detection is remarkably generous. Just about every shot manages to hit something. The spider who menaced players in the arcade now moves in slow motion. Even the scorpion (which looks like a banshee) is a sitting duck.

The default difficulty is novice for some reason, which is tremendously boring. I actually felt a sense of relief whenever I lost a life! You need to crank up the skill level all the way to "expert" to keep the games at a tolerable length. When a game doesn't get interesting until wave 28, that's not a good sign.

Centipede has several two-player options (including coop) but I can't imagine inflicting this on another person. The only thing this Centipede has going for it is its title screen music, which is awesome. As far as its tepid gameplay goes, there's really no excuse considering a kick-ass version of Centipede (Atari 2600, 1983) was released over a decade before. ©Copyright2018TheVideoGameCritic.

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Recommended variation: expert
Our high score: 31,161
1 or 2 players

If you like this game, try: Sneaky Snake (Bally Astrocade),
Centipede (Atari XEGS), Centipede (Atari 2600),
Centipede (Colecovision), Centipede (Tiger

Choplifter II

Grade: F

Publisher: Victor Interactive (1991)
Posted: 2020/7/23

Extreme disappointment

I played the original Choplifter (Atari XE, 1982) on the heels of the Iran hostage crisis, and the idea of flying into enemy territory in a helicopter to rescue people was an intriguing premise. Considering how fun and satisfying that game was, this ill-advised sequel is disappointing. Instead of flying freely it feels like you're in some kind of obstacle course.

The geography is so constrained it's practically claustrophobic. There's not much room to maneuver above mountains and if you touch a bird or stormcloud your helicopter will explode. You're better off flying directly into a brick wall.

To destroy cannons and roving tanks you must rotate your copter sideways, but you really need to finagle with the controls because they absolutely suck. Sometimes I would fly backwards across the top of the screen just because I got tired of trying to turn around!

There's never much room to land when rescuing people and you'll often bounce off a tree or building while trying to set down. I usually cut portable games a little slack but this game totally misses the mark. Choplifter II takes a classic title, puts it through a blender, and serves it up with a generous helping of aggravation. ©Copyright2020TheVideoGameCritic.

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1 player

If you like this game, try: Choplifter (Sega Master System),
Choplifter (Atari 7800), Out Of This World/Helicopter Rescue (Odyssey 2),
Choplifter 3 (Super Nintendo), Choplifter (Atari XEGS)


Grade: C+

Publisher: Sony (1993)
Posted: 2021/12/31

Seasonal winter funBased on a film

As a fan of the wintry Cliffhanger action film, I wanted to experience the video game in all its forms - big and small. This one opens with the movie's familiar orchestrated score, and is quite faithful except it sounds likes it's coming out of a 1974 film projector.

The game stars hunky mountain climber "Gabe" (Sylvester Stallone). His character looks boxy and cartoonish, but otherwise the visuals are appealing. The screens are mostly white, with nestled cabins, snow-covered trees, and gray mountains looming in the distance.

As Gabe scales treacherous cliffs he must avoid snow drifts, leap gaping chasms, and kill wolves with his bare hands. Most levels offer upper and lower paths to explore. You'll get pelted by birds and rocks, but the one constant danger is falling. The designers did a good job of capturing the heart-pounding thrills of the film. You really need to measure your jumps well, and sometimes you can't even see where you're going to land.

The opening stage is tough. Eventually I learned you need to hold up/right to execute a running jump, and you can't even do this until you acquire the boots! If you survive that first stage the difficulty becomes more reasonable.

Picking up huge bags of cash lying in the snow is fun, and for once it makes sense because that's what happened in the film! When you set down the controller Gabe rubs himself to keep warm. One thing I never figured out is the purpose of camp fires. Sometimes touching one seemed to improve my health, but another time it "burned" away my money/points.

Once you get the basics down Cliffhanger is pretty good! It follows the movie narrative with memorable scenes like the avalanche, abandoned cabin, and ice cave. Beating up bad guys doesn't require much strategy, but at least when defeated they have the decency to fall off the cliff. At one point you even ride a boss like a sled! If you're in the mood for some simple winter fun, give Cliffhanger a go. ©Copyright2021TheVideoGameCritic.

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Our high score: 282,000
1 player

If you like this game, try: Cliffhanger (NES),
Cliffhanger (Sega CD), Cliffhanger (Super Nintendo),
Ice Climber (NES), Ski Run (Europe) (Atari 2600)

Donkey Kong

Grade: A-

Publisher: Nintendo (1994)
Posted: 2014/5/15

I had heard good things about this Donkey Kong, but didn't realize how ambitious it was. The first four stages are lifted directly from the original arcade game (1981) - including the pie factory screen. Not only do these play as well as the arcade - they play better. The controls are more forgiving and you can now tumble down to a lower platform without dying. I really dig the new sound effects like Donkey Kong's growl and Pauline's scream. The opening screens are actually just a prelude to the "real" game, which features larger, scrolling stages.

Your challenge is to grab a big key and transport it to a door while employing a series of new gameplay mechanics. Mario can now vault, swing on poles, throw items, and even "ride" on certain enemies. It reminds me a lot of Mario Vs. Donkey Kong (Game Boy Advance, 2004). These new stages feature faint "background graphics" like city skylines and forests, giving them some personality. Playing on the Super Game Boy further enhances the experience by adding rich colors and an arcade-style border.

Three save slots are available and you're prompted to save often. The new stages will exercise your brain as much as your reflexes... and that's the problem! Some are real brain teasers, requiring you to position new platforms and perform an elaborate sequence of actions before a timer runs out. I wish Donkey Kong didn't make me think so much, but there's no denying the quality of this first-class title. ©Copyright2014TheVideoGameCritic.

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Save mechanism: Battery
1 player

If you like this game, try: Donkey Kong Jr. (NES),
D2K Arcade (Intellivision), Super Mario All-Stars (Super Nintendo),
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong (Game Boy Advance), Donkey Kong Junior (Colecovision)

Dr. Franken

Grade: B-

Publisher: Kemco (1992)
Posted: 2023/10/15

Halloween themes

Dr. Franken for the Game Boy is not half bad. It's far more inspired than the colorfully zany Dr. Franken, The Adventures of (SNES, 1992). This black-and-white edition finds our Frankenstein monster decked out in striped pajamas, scouring an expansive castle for the body parts of his beloved girlfriend.

The graphics are impressively detailed and varied. Each room is meticulously rendered from the laboratory to the bedroom to the library. The dungeons look shadowy and the furniture has an antiquated look. That's good because you have a lot of exploring to do. The game displays a map via the select button, but it's hard to translate the map to what you're seeing on the screen.

Your monster can jump and rapidly fire lighting bolts. For being composed of rotting corpse parts, this guy is surprisingly spry. The jump controls feel kind of "spongy" however, making it hard to jump-and-shoot flying ghosts. Your shots pass right through larger enemies such as pumpkin-headed phantoms, mounds of possessed poop, and skeletons that strut around like they're all that.

There are a few issues with the overall design. Sometimes obtaining one object will make another part of the game accessible for no logical reason. You'll find a book in one room, and suddenly a key becomes available in the doorway? There's a lot of precarious jumping, and you never know what you can jump "on" until you try.

Still, Dr. Franken goes the extra mile, displaying clues on the map and providing a simple password at any time. There's no score but this password feature means you can continue without losing a beat. I have to hand it to Dr. Franken. It may not make a lot of sense, but this game is more than the sum of its parts. ©Copyright2023TheVideoGameCritic.

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Save mechanism: password
1 player

If you like this game, try: Dr. Franken, The Adventures of (Super Nintendo),
Skeleton+ (Atari 2600), Jeepers Creepers (Colecovision),
Pac-Man: Special Color Edition (Game Boy Color), Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Sega Master System)

Duck Tales

Grade: C-

Publisher: Capcom (1990)
Posted: 2019/5/30

May contain monkeysBased on TV show

Duck Tales (NES, 1989) is considered a beloved classic, so how does the portable version stack up? Well that toe-tapping theme song certainly makes a good first impression, and a handy stage select allows you to pick between the Amazon, Transylvania, Himalayas, American Mines, and the Moon! Actually that's a bit deceptive because certain stages require keys from others. Playing the role of the cane-wielding Scrooge McDuck you'll face monkeys, snakes, and spiders in the Amazon.

The characters are impressively large and detailed, but there's not much room to move around. It's fun to take out multiple enemies with your pogo jump attack, but sometimes you can't tell what you can bounce off of. I would have never guessed I could pogo across that bed of thorns, especially with all those vines hanging overhead. Why can't I just climb across those? Scrooge also has a nifty golf swing move. Just push against any obstacle and press the button to smash it with your club. Nice.

The quality of the stages are uneven. The Amazon feels very claustrophobic, but I enjoyed Transylvania with its ominous headless knights. The Himalayas are tough because you can't pogo on the snow. And did you know there were octopuses and football players on the Moon? This game suffers from a lack of checkpoints and sometimes you jump right through a rope you were trying to grab. Overall this miniature Duck Tales is far inferior to the NES version, yet still manages to get its point across. ©Copyright2019TheVideoGameCritic.

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Our high score: 166500
1 player

If you like this game, try: Duck Tales (NES),
Duck Tales Remastered (Wii U), Great American Golf 2 (Philips CD-i),
NES Open Tournament Golf (NES), Tarzan (Colecovision)

Game & Watch Gallery

Grade: F

Publisher: Nintendo (1997)
Posted: 2014/5/15

Classic Compilation

Nintendo released a series of "Game & Watch" LCD games from 1980 to 1991. In case you don't recall the technology, it used pre-printed black shapes on a gray screen. When made visible in sequence, these shapes conveyed a rudimentary kind of animation. This technique was used to create a series of cheap, portable video games. Game & Watch Gallery reprises four of these: Manhole, Fire, Octopus, and Oil Panic.

Not only do you get the original (read: choppy) versions, but also "modern" versions retrofitted with better graphics, smoother animation, and even Nintendo characters. I have to admit some of the original games were pretty clever. There's one where you catch people jumping out of a burning building with a trampoline, and it gets crazy as you try to juggle them all. In another game you try to snag underwater treasure while avoiding octopus tentacles that reach out for you. High scores are recorded but there's little fun to be had.

Frantic and repetitive, these are the kind of games that put people into mental institutions! The "gallery" part of the title alludes to unlockable pictures and history that tell the story of the series. This cartridge might have been a passable way to kill time in the 80's, but that's before we had the Internet. If you once owned a Game & Watch handheld and want to relive your youth, bump up the grade by a letter or two. Otherwise I'll quote young Indiana Jones: "This belongs in a museum!" ©Copyright2014TheVideoGameCritic.

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Recommended variation: manhole
Our high score: 72
Save mechanism: Battery
1 player

If you like this game, try: Namco Museum 64 (Nintendo 64),
Young Indiana Jones: Instruments of Chaos (Genesis), Star Wars: Episode One Racer (Dreamcast),
Tetris and Dr. Mario (Super Nintendo), Panic Bomber (Virtual Boy)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Grade: D-

Publisher: Ubisoft (1993)
Posted: 2023/6/19

Based on a film

I always wondered why the NES version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Ubisoft, 1993) looked so crappy, with minimal color and unsightly outlines around characters. Well, now I realize that the NES game was basically a port on this Game Boy title. This looks and plays almost exactly the same! Yes, it's that bad.

Each stage begins with a digitized close-up of Indiana Jones himself, and the pixelated image looks impressive by Game Boy standards. Once you begin exploring "the caves" for Coronado's Cross the Indiana Jones theme kicks in and never lets up. While not a bad rendition, it soon becomes nauseating. You can turn it off via the main menu, but that just leaves you with some very sparse sound effects.

The action involves Indy jumping between ropes and grabbing torches to keep the stages from going dark. Indy strolls along at a leisurely pace. He can punch bad guys if they are close enough, but doesn't get his whip until stage two. Be of the lookout for hazards like dropping stalactites and - gasp - puddles of water! In the catacomb stage, getting hit by a single fireball spells instant death, and they are raining all over.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade seems less objectionable on the Game Boy, but it's still lousy. The collision detection is poor (especially during the boss stages) and sometimes Indy doesn't want to grab a rope. Worst of all, taking hits knocks Indy all over the place, totally out of your control. When you see "game over" it means you lost today, but it doesn't mean you have to like it, kid. ©Copyright2023TheVideoGameCritic.

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Our high score: 4500
Save mechanism: password
1 player

If you like this game, try: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Ubisoft version) (NES),
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Taito version) (NES), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Game Gear),
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Sega Master System), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Genesis)

Jurassic Park

Grade: D

Publisher: Ocean (1993)
Posted: 2019/6/29

Based on a filmFine Literature Award

The cheesy T-Rex face on this game's title screen gave me an instant case of deja vu. Have I played this before? Kind of! Apparently the NES version which is essentially the same. Jurassic Park is an overhead adventure where you wander around heavily constrained areas while shooting dinosaurs, collecting items, and unlocking gates.

The first stage feels like a fun treasure hunt as you try to locate all the dinosaur eggs. Armed with a pea shooter you can kill pesky scampering tiny dinosaurs which inexplicably explode and leave ammo behind. Unlike the film the raptors and spitting dinosaurs are easy to elude. Scouring the park for eggs gets a little tedious after a while but the catchy soundtrack keeps you humming along.

You'll also stumble upon weapon, health, and mystery icons. The mystery icons are very cheap because half the time they blow up in your face! There are a lot of computer terminals scattered around the park, but even after you acquire multiple ID cards they tend to say "access denied". Why is this game so confusing? The graphics won't strike fear into your heart, but the bosses feature impressively large dinosaurs.

Having to save the kids calls to mind the most irritating parts of the films. I can't even avoid those stampeding triceratops myself, much less lead a kid between them. I didn't care much for this game on the NES, and I'm not in the mood to cut it much slack on the Game Boy. Late note: I will give Ocean props for putting together a nice illustrated manual with stage descriptions, hints, and fun dinosaur facts. ©Copyright2019TheVideoGameCritic.

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Our high score: 645
1 player

If you like this game, try: Jurassic Park (NES),
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues (Game Boy), Lost World: Jurassic Park (Genesis),
Jurassic Park III: Park Builder (Game Boy Advance), Jurassic Park (Super Nintendo)

Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues

Grade: B+

Publisher: Ocean (1994)
Posted: 2019/6/29

Based on a film

Okay, now this is more like it! In stark contrast to the meandering overhead style of the first game, Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues is a proper side-scroller. You play the role of Dr. Grant who looks cartoonish but moves in a fluid manner. His gun has unlimited ammo and he can fire rapidly in any direction, a la Contra (NES, 1988). Precision controls make it fun to leap between grassy platforms, and when you jump into water the game kicks into Jungle Hunt (Atari 2600, 1983) mode.

Not only can you swim, but you can shoot while swimming! On land expect a lot of small chicken-like dinosaurs and pesky flying lizards. Those baby triceratops patrolling narrow platforms will dole out plenty of mandatory hits until you realize you can just shoot them! Doesn't seem right does it? The game is not particularly hard and the bosses are predictable. That said, the exciting chase sequence with that zombie T-Rex had me clutching my controller like grim death!

As with all other Jurassic Park games, there's the obligatory riverboat scene. Was this scene deleted from the film? Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues is a sequel I can get behind. It's probably what the first game should have been. Note: The manual contains an ad for Kenner's line of Jurassic Park toys, and I have to admit they look like they'd be a lot of fun to play with! ©Copyright2019TheVideoGameCritic.

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Our high score: 5040
1 player

If you like this game, try: Jurassic Park (Super Nintendo),
Jurassic Park (Game Boy), Jurassic Park (NES),
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues (Super Nintendo), Jungle Hunt (Atari 2600)

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Game Boy Reviews C-J by The Video Game Critic (2024)
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