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EECS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability TheoryFall 2014 Anant Sahai Homework 10This homework is due November 10, 2014, at 12:00 noon.

1. Section Rollcall!

In your self-grading for this question, give yourself a 10, and write down what you wrote for parts (a) and(b) below as a comment. Please put the answers in your written homework as well.

(a) What discussion did you attend on Monday last week? If you did not attend section on that day, pleasetell us why.

(b) What discussion did you attend on Wednesday last week? If you did not attend section on that day,please tell us why.

2. Biased Coins Lab

While waiting to hear back from the competitively elegant CS (Charm School) program at Cal, you decideto toss coins and plot the result to calm your nerves. Denote p as the probability of tossing a head, and 1− pas the probability of tossing a tail. In the previous two labs, p was 0.5, since we were exploring fair cointosses. Now assume p can be any number such that 0 ≤ p ≤ 1. As before, let k denote the total number ofcoin tosses.

At an abstract level, most of what this lab is about is doing the previous labs again, except that now the coinis biased. One new concept is introduced: we now need to understand how the bias of the coin affects theshapes of curves that emerge.

For each part, students who want to can choose to completely rewrite the question. Basically, you can comeup with your own formulation of how to do a series of experiments that result in the same discoveries. Then,write up the results nicely using plots as appropriate to show what you observed. You can also rewrite theentire lab to take a different path through as long as they convey the key insights aimed at in each part.

Please download the IPython starter code from Piazza or the course webpage, and answer the followingquestions.

(a) Consider p = 0.7, p̄ = 1− p = 0.3. If you plotted a histogram for the number of heads and tails for anynumber of coin tosses k, what would you expect to see that is different from the fair coin toss?We’d expect to see that the number of heads is more than just half the number tosses. As k growslarger, this number gets closer to 0.7k

(b) If you tossed 100 coins, approximately how many heads should you get? Building on this, can youcome up with an equation using k, p, p̄ that approximately describes how many heads and tails youexpect to see for any case?Approximately 70 heads. kp, kp for heads and tails, respectively.

(c) Use a random number generator to sample a sequence of coin tosses with p = 0.7, p̄ = 0.3. Plot a barchart for each k = 10,100,1000,4000. Is this what you expected from parts (a) and (b)? How welldoes your equation match for k = 10? For k = 4000?

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Hint: Implement the functions biased_coin, which simulates a biased coin flip with Pr(Head) = p,and run_trial, which returns the number of heads in k tosses of a biased coin with probability p ofgetting heads. They should be very similar to the ones you implemented previously for the fair coin.As k increases, the histograms become closer to what we predicted in previous parts.

(d) From the previous parts, you’ve counted the number of heads and tails for only one trial. Now fix k tobe 1000. Let Sk be the total number of heads in a trial with k total coin tosses, and let m be the totalnumber of trials.Plot a histogram of Sk for m = 1000 with bin size of 1. Do this again for k = 10,100,4000.Hint: Implement the function run_many_trials, which returns a list of the number of heads ineach trial.

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(e) Repeat the previous part, but instead plot the histograms of Skk with bin size of 0.01. Make sure to plot

the histograms in the same figure (so only one plot) for different values of k. How are the histogramsdifferent as k increases? Comment on what you are observing.The mean is the same for different k values (around p), but the values spread out a lot less as weincrease k.

(f) In last week’s lab, we discovered a very interesting normalization by√

k that seemed to make certaincurves fall right on top of each other. Let’s see if that still works.Redo the plot you did in part (g) of last week’s lab, except for our biased coin and the k values youhave explored above. Center the horizontal axis of the plot to be around 0.

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(g) For kicks, let’s try this same normalization for histograms. Plot histograms of Sk−kp√k

for m = 1000and k = 10,100,1000,4000. Try 4 different bin sizes, 0.01,0.05,0.1,0.5. You should have 4 differentplots, one for each bin size.Comment on what you think the relationship is between these histograms and the “cliff-face” curvesin the previous part. Think about what they mean.The plots of the histogram align well. Their spreads are also similar now.Looking at the equations for the plots of the “cliff-face” plot and this histogram, we’re plotting thesame data from different perspectives. The values we use in both are the normalized (by

√k) and

centered fraction of heads.The “cliff-face” looks at the cumulative counts for the number of trials with value ≤ q. This meanswe’re arranging all the values in sorted order so that the nth value, say, is larger than everything beforeit. This nth value now corresponds to the normalized fraction q on the x-axis. The y-value which is nitself tells you the number of trials which resulted in a fraction less than or equal to q.In the histogram, we’re just looking at where these values are concentrated from all our different tosses.

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(h) Now, let’s see what the effect is of varying the bias of the coin. Repeat the previous two parts forp = 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.9. You can assume the bin size is 0.1. You should have 4 pairs of plots.Make sure that all of these are plotted on the same scale as the previous parts. What do you observe?Which p seem more variable even after this

√k normalization? Less variable?

The spread of the plots is the largest for the case of p = 0.5. This makes sense intuitively becausewhen p = 0.5, both heads and tails are equally likely. There is no bias towards any one of these anddifferent sequences of heads and tails are equally probable. The results are totally random.As the probability p deviates away from 0.5, either heads or tails are more likely and the results willreflect a bias towards one of these. And the spread of the values decreases.

(i) Based on what you observe in the previous pattern, you decide to try and hunt out the actual dependence

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on the shape by looking at appropriate plots. As you did in part (f) of last week’s lab, plot the Log ofthe gap between the 0.75 and 0.25 quartiles against ln p+ ln(1− p) in a scatter plot for k = 4000. (Forthis, you could also just plot the gap against p(1− p) on a Log-Log plot.) What do you observe?Hint: Implement the method calculate_quartile_gap, which calculates the gap between thefirst and third quartile.You can also plot a scatter plot in Matplotlib with plt.scatter().As the log of p(1− p) increases, we see that the interquartile gap also increases. Thus, for p = 0.5(when log p(1− p) is the largest), the interquartile gap tends to be large too.Again, this relates to the results being spread out more when p = 0.5 as both heads and tails are equallylikely.

(j) This suggests another normalization. We call√

p(1− p) the “standard deviation” for a 0-1 coin tosswith probability p of being 1.Plot a histogram of Sk−kp√


p(1−p)for k = 1000 with bin size of 0.1. Do this again for k = 10,100,4000

and for p = 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9 as before. You should have one plot for each value of p, so thereshould be 5 plots in total.What do you observe?The spread across different probabilities now is similar. It is no longer the case that p = 0.5 shows themost spread or that p = 0.9 shows a significantly smaller spread.

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(k) Use the same normalization as the previous part and make the cliff-face plots corresponding to part (d)of last week’s lab. To be precise, look at the range d =−3 to d =+3 and plot how often (out of the mruns — as a fraction between 0 and 1) Sk−kp√


p(1−p)is less than d.

This should be an increasing curve. Here, put all the different p plots together but have three differentplots for k = 100,1000,4000. (You already know from earlier plots that the different k’s track eachother.)

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(l) Lastly, we would like to explore a function that defines how many ways you can choose k distinctobjects out of n possible objects. This is written as


)and is read aloud as “n choose k”. We define(n


)= n!

k!(n−k)! . For example,(5


)= 5!

3!(5−3)! =5·4·3·2·1

(3·2·1)·(2·1) =12012 = 10. Plot the value


)on the y-axis

and k on the x-axis for 0≤ k ≤ 50.Does this value constantly grow as k gets larger? What does the shape of the graph remind you of?Hint: Implement the function choose(n, k) using math.factorial.The value of


)does not always get larger as k gets larger, it actually peaks around k = n

2 and issymmetric around this value. Looking at the plot below, the shape looks very similar to a bell-shapedcurve.

Reminder: When you finish, don’t forget to convert the notebook to pdf and merge it with your writtenhomework. Please also zip the ipynb file and submit it as hw10.zip.

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3. Charm School Applications

(a) n males and n females apply to the Elegant Etiquette Charm School (EECS) within UC Berkeley. TheEECS department only has n seats available. In how many ways can it admit students? Use the abovestory for a combinatorial argument to prove the following identity:(








+ · · · +(



One way of counting is simply(2n


), since we must pick n students from 2n.

The other way is to first pick i males, then n− i females. Equivalently, choose i males to admit, and ifemales to NOT admit. For a fixed i, this yields


)( nn−i



)2 choices. Thus, over all choices of i:(2nn






(b) Among the n admitted students, there is at least one male and at least one female. On the first day, theadmitted students decide to carpool to school. The boy(s) get in one car, and the girl(s) get in anothercar. Use the above story for a combinatorial argument to prove the following identity:



k · (n− k) ·(



= n2 ·(


)(Hint: Each car has a driver...)Out of the n males and n females who applied, count the number of ways that accepted students candrive to school.RHS: First pick one male driver and one female driver from the n male and n female applicants (n2).Then pick the other n−2 accepted students from the pool of 2n−2 remaining applicants.

LHS: Pick k males and n− k females that were accepted:(n


)( nn−k



)2. Then pick a driver amongthe k males, and among the n− k females. Because the problem statement says there is at least 1 girland 1 boy, k can range from 1 to n−1.

4. Getting to CSHarry, the chosen one, is chosen to drive the boys to the Charm School. The Flying Ford Anglia he’s drivingis behaving weirdly – it would only go south or east for at least a certain distance. Figure 1 shows the paththe car could go from Harry’s house (H) to the Charm School (CS).

(a) How many ways can he get there?Harry needs to go south 6 times and east 7 times. We can think of a path from H to CS as a series of6+ 7 = 13 moves, 6 of which are going south and 7 of which are going east. Out of 13 total moves,there are




)= 1,716 ways to make such a path. (Either choose 6 out of 13 moves to be going

south, or choose 7 out of 13 moves to be going east.). 2

(b) Harry has to pick up other students at point P. How many ways can he stop by point P and go to theCharm School?Let Px1→x2→...→xn denote the set of paths from x1 to xn that pass through x2,x3, . . . ,xn−1. Then thenumber of ways Harry can get to CS by passing P is just the number of ways from H to P multipliedby the number of ways from P to CS.

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Figure 1: The map from Harry’s house to the Charm School

|PH→P→CS|= |PH→P||PP→CS|









)= 70 ·10 = 700.


(c) The Whomping Willow (W ) will attack anything that comes near. Harry must not drive through it.How many ways can he pick up the students and then go to the Charm School now?




a bc






Figure 2: More elaborated map from Harry’s house to the Charm School

Figure 2 labels more points. Notice that point W doesn’t affect the paths from P to CS at all, so wecan just calculate how it affects the number of possible paths from H to P, then multiply with |PP→CS|.First, we find the total number of paths that pass through W . For any path to pass through W , it mustpass point a then point b.

|PH→a→b→P|= |PH→a||Pb→P|=(



)= 3 ·6 = 18

The number of paths from H to P that don’t pass W is just the total number of paths from H to P minusthe number of paths that do pass W .

|PH→P|− |PH→a→b→P|= 70−18 = 52.

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Therefore, the total number of paths from H to P to CS that don’t pass W = 52 · |PP→CS| = 52 ·(5



52 ·10 = 520. 2

(d) On top of the Whomping Willow, the Marauder’s Map shows Professor Snape (S) and Filch (F) whomhe doesn’t want to drive past either. How many ways can Harry go to the Charm School withoutgetting past the Whomping Willow (W ), Professor Snape (S), or Filch (F), while still picking up otherstudents?Again, the path that passes S must pass through points c and d, and the path that passes F must passthrough points e and f .




)= 20

|PP→e→ f→CS|=(


)= 3

Observe that points W and S only affect the paths from H to P, and F only affects the paths from P toCS. We can calculate these separately.

From H to P: It is a little tricky to find the number of paths that don’t pass through both W and S. First,we find the total number of paths that pass through both W and S,




)= 6

Next, we find the total number of paths that passes either W or S,

|PH→a→b→P∪PH→c→d→P|= |PH→a→b→P|+ |PH→c→d→P|− |PH→a→b→c→d→P|= 18+20−6 = 32.

Hence, the number of paths that don’t pass W and S, i.e., any of the points a,b,c, and d, is,

|PH→P|− |(PH→a→b→P∪PH→c→d→P)|= |PH→P|− |PH→a→b→P∪PH→c→d→P|= 70−32 = 38

From P to CS: The number of paths that don’t pass F is |PP→CS|− |PP→e→ f→CS|=(5


)−3 = 7.

Therefore, the answer is

(|PH→P|− |(PH→a→b→P∪PH→c→d→P)|)(|PP→CS|− |PP→e→ f→CS|) = 38 ·7 = 266.


5. HandshakesIn the first day of Charm School, all students are going to practice self-introduction skills. When they meeta new person, they will introduce themselves and shake their hands. Suppose that there are m students whoare right-handers and n students who are left-handers. When two people are both right-handers, they willshake their right hands and so will left-handers. When a right-hander meets a left-hander, they will eitherboth shake their right hands or both shake their left hands, with equal probability p = 0.5.

(a) Assume that all students do not know each other at the beginning. How many handshakes will occur?There are a total of m+n students and any 2 of them will shake their hands with each other. Thereforethe number of handshakes will be



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(b) Assume that there are k people who have known each other so they will not do any handshake. Howmany handshakes will occur?This means that k of the n people will not shake their hands with each other, so


)handshakes will

not occur among them. The total number of handshakes is therefore(m+n





(c) From now on, we assume all students do not know each other at the beginning. We know that oneof the students, Ginny, is a right-hander. What is the probability that Ginny will shake her right handwhen she meets the first person?Let A be the event that Ginny will shake her right hand when she meets the first person, R be the eventthat the first person she meets is a right-hander, and L be the event that the first person she meets is aleft-hander. Then we have by the law of total probability

P(A) = P(A|R)P(R)+P(A|L)(L).

We know that P(R) = m−1m+n−1 and P(L) = n

m+n−1 . Since Ginny is a right-hander, when she meets aright-hander, they will always shake their right hands, and hence P(A|R) = 1. When she meets a left-hander, there will be 0.5 probability that they will shake their right hands, and hence P(A|L) = 1

2 .So

P(A) = 1× m−1m+n−1

+12× n


m+ 12 n−1


(d) If we know that Neville shakes his left-hand in his first handshake, what is the probability that Nevilleis a left-hander?Let A be the event that Neville shakes his left-hand in his first handshake, L be the event that Neville isa left-hander and R be the event that Neville is a right-hander. By Bayes’ Rule we have:

P(L|A) = P(A|L)P(L)P(A|L)P(L)+P(A|R)P(R)

We know that P(L) = nm+n and P(R) = m

m+n . Similar to (c), we know that given Neville is a left-hander,the probability that he will shake his right hand in his first handshake is: P(A|L) = n−1

m+n−1 +12

mm+n−1 . If

Neville is a right-hander, the only possible situation that he shakes his left hand in his first handshakeis if he meets a left-hander (with probability n

m+n−1 ), and they shake their left hands (with probability12 ). Therefore P(A|R) = 1


m+n−1 .Then we can get

P(L|A) =( n−1

m+n−1 +12



( n−1m+n−1 +



nm+n +


nm+n−1 ×


=12 m+n−1m+n−1


(e) Let x be the number of right-handshakes occurring during the Charm School. What is the possiblerange of x?There are m right-handers, so there will be at least


)right-handshakes, that is x ≥


). More right-

handshakes will occur when right-handers meet left-handers. There are a total of at most mn hand-shakes among right-handers and left-handers, so the number of right-handshakes should not be morethan


)+mn. The possible range is: (


)≤ x≤



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It is also correct if your upper bound is(m+n




), which is the total number of handshakes minus

the minimum number of left-handshakes. They are just different approaches to count the same thingand therefore they are equal.(






− (n)(n−1)2












(f) If x is within the range you provided in (e), what is the probability that there are exactly x right-handshakes?Since


)handshakes must occur among the m right-handers, so we just need to consider the remaining



)right-handshakes that occur among the m right-handers and n left-handers. Let k = x−



Among the mn handshakes between right-handers and left-handers, there are(mn


)possible outcomes

that result in k right-handshakes. Since the probability of a left-handshake occurring and a right-handshake occurring are both 1

2 , the probability of each possible outcome is (12)

k× (12)

mn−k = (12)

mn.This is analogous to tossing k heads out of n fair coins. Therefore, the probability that there are exactlyx right-handshakes is :



)= (




)).(g) If we randomly pick y ≤ min{m,n} students, what is the probability that there are exactly z students

who are right-handers? (Assume 0≤ z≤ y.)The number of combinations of choosing y students is


). The number of combinations of choosing

y students that include exactly z right-handers is the number of ways of choosing z right-handers amongthe m students multiplied by the number of ways of choosing the remaining y− z left-handers amongthe n students. This is just


)( ny−z

). So the probability that there are exactly z students who are

right-handers is: (mz

)( ny−z


) .

(h) Let m = 5 and n = 5. If we randomly pick y = 4 students among them, what is the probability thatthere are exactly 5 right-handshakes among the 4 students?Let A be the event that there are exactly 5 right-handshakes among the 4 students, and Bi be the eventthat there are i persons who are right-handers among the 4 students. By the total law of probability wehave:

P[A] = P[A|B0]P[B0]+P[A|B1]P[B1]+P[A|B2]P[B2]+P[A|B3]P[B3]+P[A|B4]P[B4]

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From (g), we know that for 0≤ i≤ 4, we have:

P[Bi] =


)( ny−i


) =


)( 54−i


) .

So, P[B0] =5

210 , P[B1] =50210 , P[B2] =

100210 , P[B3] =

50210 and P[B4] =

5210 .

If there is no right-hander or just one right-hander, it is not possible to have 5 right-handshakes. There-fore P[A|B0] = P[A|B1] = 0. If all of the 4 students are right-handers, there will be at least


)= 6

right-handshakes. Therefore P[A|B4] = 0. Similar to (f), we know that for 2≤ i≤ 3, we have:

P[A|Bi] = (12)i(4−i)

(i(4− i)5−( i


)).So P[A|B2] =

116 and P[A|B3] =

38 .


P[A] =116× 100


38× 50




6. Seating ArrangementsThe Charm School features full course dinner. Everyone is assigned a table. Each table is a round table withten seats. Each seat has a nametag.

(a) The staff forgot to put up the name tags on table 1. How many ways can students at that table sit?(Note that ABCDEFGHIJ and BCDEFGHIJA are the same seating arrangement because the table isround, and all seats are identical.)If we look at the table from the top, read the order of students from one particular seat clockwise, wewill get a string of ten student names such as ABCDEFGHIJ. Notice that these 10 patterns, ABCDE-FGHIJ, JABCDEFGHI, IJABCDEFGH, . . . , and BCDEFGHIJA, are the same because A just movesone seat clockwise.

Since there are 10! ways to arrange ten students’ names in a straight line, there are10!10

= 9! ways tosit them around a round table. 2

(b) Table 2 has name tags but all 10 students there didn’t see the name tags and just sat randomly. If allstudents have different names, what is the probability that all of them have correct name tags?Each seat is different now. So the total number of ways to sit is 10! (10 students can sit in first student’sseat, 9 students can sit in the second student’s seat, etc.). There is only one way for them to have all

correct name tags so the probability is1

10!. 2

(c) What are the chances all the students in table 2 have wrong name tags? (Hint: Try small cases firstand see if you can form a recurrence relation. You might want to use a calculator or ask your friendWolfram to calculate the final result.)Let Dn denote the number of ways to sit n people such that none of them is in their seat. Let si denotethe ith student arrived. Consider small cases first.

• n = 2: s1 can only sit on s2’s seat, and vice versa. Therefore, D2 = 1.• n = 3: If s2 sits on s1’s seat, then s1 must be on s3’s seat, otherwise s3 will have to sit in their own

seat. Similarly, if s3 sits on s1’s seat, there is only one way to sit s1 and s2. Therefore, D3 = 2.

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• n = 4: If s2 sits on s1’s seat, then s1 either sits on s2’s seat or doesn’t. If s1 sits on s2’s seat then s3and s4 are left with their own seats. We know from n = 2 that there is D2 = 1 way to seat them.If s1 doesn’t sit on s2’s seat, then there are 3 students, each of which has a unique seat they can’tsit on. We also know from n = 3 that there are D3 = 2 ways to seat them. Therefore, there areD2 +D3 = 1+ 2 ways for all people to not sit at their seats when s2 is on s1’s seat. Since thereare 3 students who can sit on s1 seats (s3 and s4 in addition to s2), the total number of ways is3(D2 +D3) = 3 ·3 = 9.

Now we can generalize to Dn. Let sx be the student who sits on s1’s seat. If s1 sits on sx’s seat, we haven−2 people left with their respective seats, and we know they can sit in Dn−2 ways. Otherwise, treatsx’s seat as s1’s seat and we have n−1 people with their respective seats, and there are Dn−1 ways tosit them. Since n−1 students can sit on s1’s seat, the total number of ways n students can all sit in thewrong seat is

Dn = (n−1)(Dn−1 +Dn−2). (1)

Next, we find D10 from Equation (1), starting with D2 = 1 and D3 = 2, as shown in Table 1.

n Dn

2 13 24 95 446 2657 1,8548 14,8339 133,49610 1,334,961

Table 1: Total number of ways n students can all sit in wrong seats

Hence, the probability that all students have the wrong name tags isD10



= 0.3679. 2

Note: This Dn has a name. We call a permutation such that no item is in its original position aderangement. In general it is denoted as !n.

(d) Table 3 has two Freds and three Georges. The rest have distinct names. If all the students there sitrandomly, what is the probability that they all have correct name tags?Total number of ways to sit is still 10!, but the number of correct ways increases to 2!3! (because thetwo Freds can permute and still have correct name tags, so can the three Georges). So the probability

that they all have correct name tags is2!3!10!

. 2

(e) At table 10, only the first student arrived didn’t see the name tag, so he sat randomly. The 2nd studentto arrive sits on her seat if it is free, otherwise she sits on a random seat. The 3rd student to arrive sitson his seat if it is free, otherwise he sits on a random seat. And so on. If all students have differentnames, what is the probability the last student gets to sit at his/her seat? (Hint: Again, try small casesfirst and observe what’s going on.)Again, let si denote the ith student arrived. Let n denote the number of students and seats. Trying smallcases should give you the intuition that the chances the last student, sn, gets to sit in his/her own seatis 1/2, regardless of n. Why? Because the only decision of s1 that matters is between his/her own seat

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and sn’s seat. If s1 decides to take other student’s seat, say sx’s, then the same situation happens againwhen it’s sx’s turn to sit. (Everybody else will sit in their own seat unless it’s taken, and sx is just thenew s1.) Now sn’s fate depends on sx if and only if sx chooses his/her own seat or sn’s seat, otherwisethe decision falls upon another student, sy, whose seat has been taken by sx, and so on. Since there are2 seats to choose between, the probability sn gets to sit in his/her own seat is 1/2. Let us prove thisproperly.

Claim: For n students with n seats, the probability the last student gets to sit on his/her seat is 1/2.Proof: We will prove by strong induction.Base Case: n = 2. The probability s2 sits in his/her own seat = the probability s1 sits in his own seat =1/2. Thus, the base case is true.Inductive Hypothesis: Assume the statement is true for all 2≤ n≤ k.Inductive Step: We have to show the statement is true for n = k+ 1. Let L denote the event sn sits inhis/her own seat. There are 3 cases.

• s1 takes his/her own seat. Call this event A. P(A) = 1/(k+ 1). Everybody can sit in their ownseat, including sn, so P(L|A) = 1.

• s1 takes sn’s seat. Call this event B. P(B) = 1/(k+1). The last student cannot sit in his/her ownseat no matter how other students sit, so P(L|B) = 0.

• s1 takes other student’s seat. Call this event C. P(C) = (k− 1)/(k + 1). Let sx be the studentwhose seat is taken by s1. s2,s3, . . . ,sx−1 will sit in their own seat. When sx arrives, there willbe y = n− x+ 1 ≤ k seats left, with y students to seat. sx gets to sit first and s/he picks the seatrandomly. This is similar to the case with y students since the beginning. Because y ≤ k, weknow by the Inductive Hypothesis that sn will get to sit on his/her seat with probability 1/2. So,P(L|C) = 1/2.

Since events A,B, and C partition the sample space, we can find P(L) using the Law of Total Probabil-ity,

P(L) = P(L|A)P(A)+P(L|B)P(B)+P(L|C)P(C)

= 1(





12· k−1


=2+ k−12(k+1)


This completes the proof. 2

7. Dinner TimeNow let’s move on to the actual dinner. Each person has all sorts of plates, flatwares, and glasses in front ofthem, as shown in Figure 3.1 The basic rule is to start using utensils furthest from your plate and end withthe closest ones. Table 2 lists the menu and the corresponding utensils.

(a) Ron is confused what utensils to use (‘Wait, I think I’m at the wrong Charm School..’). Fortunately,he can wait for his server to select the right plates and glasses. He just needs to pick flatwares. Allhe sees are, 4 forks (B, C, D, and N), 3 knives (H, I, and L), and 2 spoons (J and M). So, for eachcourse served, he mimics what other people are using. For example, if other people are using a fork

1Source: http://damoneroberts.tumblr.com/post/51078389219/home-tip-of-the-day-proper-place-setting

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Menu Plates Flatwares GlassesWater - - O

Red wine - - PWhite wine - - Q

Bread K L -Soup - J -Salad E B -Fish F C, I -Meat G D, H -

Dessert - M, N -

Table 2: Courses and utensils

Figure 3: Formal dinner setting

and a knife, he picks one fork and one knife. (He can’t tell the difference between each fork, but canseparate forks from knives and spoons just fine.) What is the probability he uses all utensils correctly?Each utensil is collected after each course and can’t be used twice.We can think of this as Ron mentally making 3 separate orderings for forks, knives, and spoons. Foreach plate he finds out what kind(s) of flatware to use, then pick them according to the orders in his 3lists. For example, let his lists be, forks: D, C, N, B, knives: I, H, L, and spoons: M, J, then he picksI for bread, M for soup, D for salad, C and H for fish, N and L for meat, and B and J for dessert. SeeTable 3 for illustration.There are 4! ways to order the forks, 3! ways to order the knives, and 2! ways to order the spoons. Sothere are 4!3!2! ways to make these 3 lists. Since there is only one correct way to pick all the flatwares,

the probability he uses all utensils correctly is1



. 2

(b) Luna just doesn’t care. For each course she just picks one or two random flatwares so that all of themare used at the end, and forces the server to serve on one random plate. For each drink she picks arandom glass. What is the probability she used at least two things wrong? (If a utensil isn’t used in thecourse it is matched with, then it is used wrongly.)Again, we can view choosing utensils for each meal as just virtually arranging and using them in order.

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Menu Forks Knives SpoonsBread - I -Soup - - MSalad D - -Fish C H -Meat N L -

Dessert B - J

Table 3: How Ron can use flatwares according to the example orderings (in columns).

There are 4! and 3! ways to arrange plates and glasses. For flatwares, it is trickier.

Luna can use 1 or 2 per dish. Since there are 9 of them and 6 dishes to use with, they must be partitionedinto 3 groups of one and 3 groups of two. First, we permute all flatwares and make Luna use the firstthree individually, and the last 6 in pairs (or a partition of 111222). This gives 9!

2!2!2! ways to arrangethem since we permute 9 flatware items but the order does not matter for those grouped in pairs. Now,the partition 111222 can also be permuted (111222, 121122, 121212, . . . so on), with a total numberof 6!

3!3! or(6


)ways. Therefore, the total number of ways Luna can choose for all flatwares is


×4!×3! =9!6!2!

= 1.306×108.

The probability of using at least two things wrong = 1 − probability of using at most one thing wrong.There is only one way to use everything correctly. The only place Luna can use just one thing wrongis with the flatwares where one of the paired flatwares is used with a flatware that is supposed to beused alone, otherwise at least two things must be wrong (because the other utensil whose place hasbeen taken must also be wrong). For a pair of flatwares, there are 2 ways to pick just one of them, and3 flatwares that it can be paired with (those that are supposed to be used alone). There are 3 pairs offlatwares, so the total number of ways to use one thing wrong = 2×3×3 = 18.

Therefore, the probability that Luna used at least two things wrong = 1− 1+189!6!/2

≈ 1. 2

(c) (Optional) What is the probability Hermione used all correct plates, flatwares, and glasses?1, duh. 2

8. Charming StarAt the end of each day, students will vote for the most charming student. There are 5 candidates and 100voters. Each voter can only vote once, and all of their votes weigh the same.

(a) How many possible voting combinations are there for the 5 candidates?Let xi be the number of votes of the i-th candidates. We would like to find all possible combinations of(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) such that

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 100.

It is equivalent to selecting k = 100 objects from n = 5 categories. The number of possible combina-tions is: (




)= 4598126.

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(b) How many possible voting combinations are there such that exactly one candidate gets more than 50votes?Now we have a constraint that one of the xi should be at least 51. Say, let x1 be at least 51. It isequivalent to giving the first candidate 51 votes at the beginning and then distributing the remaining 49votes to them again. The number of possible combinations is


). Since one of the 5 candidates

could have at least 51 votes, the total number of possible voting combinations such that exactly onecandidate gets more than 50 votes is:(




)= 1464125.

9. Write your own problem

Write your own problem related to this week’s material and solve it. You may still work in groups tobrainstorm problems, but each student should submit a unique problem. What is the problem? How toformulate it? How to solve it? What is the solution?

10. Bonus

As you have noticed, this homework is themed around the idea of charm school. Bonus points for anyonewho comes up with a problem related both to a real-world lesson about etiquette and charm, as well as tocounting and/or basic probability. Is there something that you wish your fellow students knew better asfar as charm and etiquette goes? Everything is fair game: hygiene, dress, grooming, manners, conversa-tion, politeness, caring, formality, hospitality, open-mindedness, networking, etc. Help make EECS a morecharming, welcoming, and gracious environment...

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